Saturday, March 04, 2006

Only by faith

4/3/06 Only by faith

Walking by faith is the only way to please God. God can only be known by faith. Faith is that spiritual factor that enables a person in accessing the spiritual dimension. Faith becomes fact as you experience the touch of God by faith. Faith is the vehicle that enables you to reach beyond the material dimension into the spirit dimension. It is the ca-pacity to know what is beyond and receive from resources unseen. The mind of man is not just his brain. The mind of God communicates with the mind of man. God can sow thoughts into you as you reach out to Him in faith. His thoughts are higher then man’s thoughts. With His thoughts you can climb any mountain. His ways are beyond man’s ways. Everything requires faith but then man fools himself that he does it in his own strength. This is foolish-ness because your every breath is dependent on faith. You believe you will continue breathing not by fact but by faith. This is why man is deceived in thinking that all he sees is all there is. He has blinded himself to the fact that the whole universe is held in motion by faith. Who can control the weather or the seasons? Man can manipulate the effects but not the cause. Light can be used to brighten the dark-ness but where does light come from? It is only when we acknowledge God in all our ways that we will live an abun-dant life. This knowledge is what will keep you through all the uncertain times. He will be there and will guide you. Yes see how God will open doors where all seem closed. Your will be done in my life O, Lord.

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