Monday, May 15, 2006

Commune in the spirit

15/5/06 Commune in the spirit
The Father is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit. Any other mode of communication does not reach the Father. One must communicate spirit to spirit. Communication can occur through different modes, physical, emotional and spiritual. Because the Father is a spirit being, one needs to communicate to Him through your spirit. This is where one fails to communicate with the Father because one communicates through the intellect. The blindness that occurs is because of not communicating in the right mode. Paul communicated to the Jews about the things of the spirit but only those who discerned in the spirit, perceived. You are a spirit being and when you communicate in the spirit then the other person who is open to the spirit will perceive and believe. Believing is a spiritual activity. Believe from the head is not true belief. In the spirit one intuits the real. The real in the spirit is what is truth. Truth in the physical realm is not the same as that which is intuited in the spirit. So when one worships in spirit and in truth it is the worship in spirit and in the truth of the spirit. Many try and understand the things of the spirit through their intellect and get confused. Much learning in this area is useless to growth in the spirit. To understand the spirit world one needs to operate in the dimension of the spirit. This is why many are led astray through ignorance. In the spirit you operate in a mode that is above the physical and psychological. You are a spirit being and in the spirit you can be in any place at anytime. You can transport yourself in the spirit and intervene in situations through prayer. This is why Paul was able to be in the spirit with those he wrote his letters to. This spiritual communication occurs between God and man and man and man. Animals do not have the spirit of man as they are not created in the image of God. Praying in tongues is a quick way to enter into the realm of the spirit and to minister in the spirit. Therefore do not be distracted by words of man but rely on the spirit to help you to intuit His knowledge through His Spirit in you.

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