Monday, May 01, 2006

God guides your steps

1/5/06 God guides your steps.
God guides His people through visions, dreams and thoughts. You will be aware of His guidance as you look back and see His hand in everything even in the negative events in your life. God allows these things for a purpose. God is good and like a loving Father He will use the negative events to produce character in you. In the final analysis this is what counts. It is not riches or fame that matter but the legacy of character and values you stand for that others will emulate and remember. God has given His Word as a guide and a testament of His character and plans so that nations who call Him Lord can know and believe in Him. Faith demands trust in Him and His Word. Many will distort His Word for their own purposes but He never changes. The God of the Old Testament is the same as the new. The violence portrayed in the old is evidence that justice will prevail and that He is no respecter of persons. His laws will reap their due reward or judgement. This is a universal principle. You can’t hide for long from your sin. Your sin will be exposed and you will be judged. Whole nations were judged as an example of how God will judge nations. He will spare the righteous but His plans and ways are eternal and not limited to this time. Therefore He is able to do what pleases Him and no man is able to judge Him. He is the Creator and He is the final judge. Therefore walk in the fear of Him who can destroy the body but spare the soul.

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