Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Be friendly

12/9/06 Be friendly
Most people will respond positively yet we fear their response. It is this fear that keeps you from connecting with others. Just think how you would respond if approached by a friendly person. You would respond positively. There are so many lonely people who want to be approached but fear of rejection keeps them imprisoned. They never take the first step because their fear is greater then their desire to be friendly. They desire to be loved and held but having experienced so much negativity they hesitate and therefore remain in their depressed state. The only way out of this is a paradigm shift where you assume that everyone is lonely and seeking friendly contact but are afraid. Be the first to make the approach and relearn from experience that this message is true that the majority desire contact but are afraid to do so. Once you know this truth you will not hesitate but be pro-active in making the first move. It is true that most people are lonely because the enemy has made them believe the lie that they are not worthy. Make someone feel loved today and help change their trajectory in life.

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