Saturday, October 21, 2006

Mechanism for change

21/10/06 Mechanism for change
Change is possible when you change the way you think. It only takes a thought to change the way you perceive a person or situation. This is why talk therapies are effective. It does not have to be anything too sophisticated. It is important to connect with the person and then help them change their thinking. This is why hypnotic procedures are effective because it gets the person into a state of receptivity to receive the thought that will transform them. So also when you read God’s Word, it is important to get yourself into a state of receptivity so that His Word can penetrate into the depths of your being to transform you. Repetition can work in the same way. Repetition is a hypnotic procedure to induce change at a deeper level. Memory systems work through repetition. What you repeat to yourself will have a deep effect on you. This is why traumatic situations have such power to effect a person because strong emotion is associated with the event. So also where strong emotion is involved the impact factor is greater. This is why praise also prepares you to receive at a deeper level. The mechanism of change is to find ways to change dysfunctional thought patterns, like from poverty thinking to abundance thinking. This is why Paul talks about persuading people to accept the Good News of Jesus Christ. Belief comes through persuasion and faith. You cannot force anyone
to believe. Persuasion involves the will of the other person. Once the other person wills to believe then his belief will work for him. Therefore work to persuade others in the ways of the Lord through faith and love.

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