Friday, January 12, 2007

Jesus and His Word are one

12/1/07 Jesus and His Word are one.

The bread that Jesus speaks of is His Word. His Word eaten has eternal life in it. You will never be hungry for it is like manna from heaven. It nourishes every area of your life. Without His Word you will decay and perish. His Word will preserve you for eternity. His Word is like a preservative except that the preservative in this case gives life. Life is in the Word. Jesus and His Word are one. You cannot separate Jesus from His Word. His Word gives life. In the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh and dwelt among men. This is the Word that He is talking about when He refers to the bread of heaven. The Word of God has life in it and the power to give life. Man’s word has some power but God’s Word has power unlimited. Therefore when you eat His Word you have the power of the Word in you. The Word of His power then goes out and does the work that it was sent to do. Therefore let His Words so fill you that you will have His now Word available when you need it. The devil is opposed to his Word. When you know His Word it will keep you from the attacks of the devil. The devil will always seek to destroy the power of His Word but His Word will destroy the devil. So cling to His Word of eternal life.

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