Sunday, December 16, 2007



Conscience is the science of moral development. Conscience grows as knowledge grows. Your conscience is the result of years of grooming in the Word and life experience. Life experience without knowledge leads to a warped conscience. Children learn through experience and later their knowledge informs their experience. This is why the Word says that you need to be transformed by the renewing of your thinking. Your thinking changes as you read and meditate on His Word. Experiences in the world will give rise to certain ways of thinking and doing. The Word then washes your mind and renews your thinking which then results in new behaviour. Ultimately what you read and see determines your thinking. This age is bombarded with images and sounds that influence their thinking and so their conscience. Visual imagery gives a person a virtual sense of life. It deprives him of reality because he lives in a virtually bombarded world. People who live and move with people know what reality is. Fantasy is encouraged through virtual reality. The TV has robbed many of a real sense of reality and therefore their consciences are seared by the virtual reality displayed on the screens. This age has lost its touch with reality and therefore they don’t know what is real and what is an illusion of the real. Their consciences are seared and they live as if their lives are a motion picture and they are the actors. What a travesty this is to live one’s life in this way and at the end realise that it was all in vain. This is the reason for the increasing alienation of society from the heart of community. When one disconnects from community then life becomes a lonely journey on planet earth. The return to community living is the only way to stop this slippery path to alienation. The increasing breakdown in relationships is one indicator of this alienation. Multiple partners are just play things for play boys and girls. Life is a merry go round and there is no meaning or purpose. This will result in increasing suicide and destruction. Wars will increase as war is a sign of alienation. Wars bring people together for a common purpose. Internal wars erupt into external wars and peace is beyond your reach. Disillusion and despair will result in annihilation of the human race.i

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