Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blogs 2010

1/1/10 FREEDOM

Wow another year. Yet for the Lord who is eternal this is nothing. Man is limited by time because his body grows old. Sin limits everything, the body, soul and spirit. In the body you are limited. Jesus was limited to time and space in His earthly body. He now reigns on high and rules from His heavenly throne. What a difference! To be limited is to die daily as everything in you degrades through age. This is the curse that was passed on. Yet man boasts of his invulnerability. This is a delusion. He is limited and therefore cannot do the works of God. Jesus was not limited in Spirit because He was anointed without measure. Your flesh limits you but in the Spirit you can do the same works that Jesus did. Now live in the Spirit as Jesus did and see how your day takes a new dimension. Your thoughts and feelings will soar and be like God’s thoughts and feelings. It is a leap into the supernatural. Supernatural thoughts lead to supernatural living. This is your inheritance in Christ. In Him you are beyond limits. You enter the realm of the limitless. See how faith ushers in the supernatural. In this dimension you are like God for you operate in this realm. To the sceptic this is blindness for he is spiritually blind. Jesus came to open the eyes of the blind so that he can be free from his prison of the flesh.

2/1/10 IN HIM

Blessed are those who cry out for God for they will be blessed. God calls you to Himself to separate yourself for Him. There are many in the world who belong to the world. God wants you to belong to Him. Be sold out for Him. This is the only way to glorify Him. He is present in you and will speak through you. It is His presence that enables you to shine for Him. He is present in you for a purpose. His purpose is to glorify Him through you. You are the evidence of His presence. He has chosen to reveal Himself through you. God created you for a time like this. He has equipped you with all that you need to fulfil His mission. Therefore live each day to the full and carry His presence with you. The Cross around your neck is a sign for all to see that you belong to Him. He will bless others through this sign. Let Him shine through you till the whole world looks to Him for salvation. He is all you need and you are complete in Him. Trust Him to work through you.


God is good and His banner over you is love. He is the lover of your soul and in Him you have all you need to live a victorious life. He is preparing you for times like this when you will need to depend on Him alone. He is your Saviour and friend at all times. In Him you have all you need to live an abundant life. Your life is hid in Him for eternity. Now you can live freely knowing that He is with you 24/7. What a life to know that He is in me and around me. I am truly blessed. Now I can live freely. All the thoughts and impulses that the devil sends I can cancel in the Name of Jesus. I don’t have to give into these impulses. I can live in the realm of His holiness as I plead His cleansing blood over me. I am shielded and protected by His armour. I am safe in Him. Jesus was tormented too and He had to suffer so that He could experience all things. Now I can say I am free for Jesus has suffered and paid the price on my behalf. He would do this just for me so that I am set free. What a Saviour, what a lover of my soul. Come Holy Spirit and burn this message into my heart and mind. In Him I am free.


What a life in the Spirit. Living in the Spirit is the secret to abundant living. In Him I am free to be. In Him every minute is precious. In Him nothing is wasted. Without Him everything is an illusion. In Him I am able and alive. I am alive in Him and eternity is my destiny. In eternity there is no lack, no beginning and no ending. Life and death are one. Alive in the flesh and alive in the Spirit. This is God kind of living and this will never end. There is no tomorrow and no yesterday. All is today and this is all that matters. There is nothing to worry about tomorrow and nothing to fear about yesterday. All there is, is today. In Him I have everything I need. I worry for nothing because worry is a symptom of the fleshly mind. The fleshly mind thrives in conflict and difference because this gives it an identity. Difference enables separateness and this is what gives a person an identity. Without difference there is no conflict. The ego finds this a threat for it needs to be different to survive. Survival is essential for the ego. The egoic mind wants to be different so that it can be noticed. In the Spirit is your true identity. In the Spirit difference is not a threat for all is one. In the Spirit there is no difference for we are all one in the Spirit. The Spirit is one and unites all things. In this is true love not based on colour, race or sex. In this alone is there unity and peace. Difference is created by the mind and keeps us from each other and fear rules the day.

5/1/10 THE CROSS

The Cross is my salvation and in it I will rejoice. Without the Cross there is no salvation. In the Cross alone is my hope for my Redeemer lives. He lives, is my song and because He lives I have hope for tomorrow. He gives me all I need to live a sanctified life. The tormentor of my soul comes to entice me but no sin of the flesh can last for it is an illusion. Fantasy is as much an illusion as the life of form. The formless life of the Spirit is the only reality that is. Everything else is an illusion. I will spend my time and energy in the Spirit then in the illusion of form. As I spend more time in the Spirit the less of an illusory experience of the form I will entertain. The only way out is not through resistance but in investment in the Spirit. One way to resist sin is through fleshly activity. The other way is through the Spirit. The Spirit is above the flesh and so through the Spirit I can transmute the sins of the flesh into goodness. The base emotions of the flesh of anger, envy, pride will be transmuted by the Spirit into joy, love, peace and patience. This is the work of the Cross to cross out all that is banal and to bring all that is good into fruition. Only the Cross is sufficient to do this work by the Spirit. This is why Jesus said it is finished on the Cross. He had once and for all dealt the death blow to sin. Now I am free to be because He has set me free. Hallelujah what a Saviour, what a salvation.

6/1/10 LIFE

Presence is light. When you walk in the consciousness of His presence then no darkness can invade you. His light is His presence and if you walk in the light as He is in the light then the blood of Jesus will continuously cleanse you. In Him is no darkness. His Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. His Word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Therefore you can hope in Him. He is in you and He is your counsellor and so you don’t need to seek anyone else. Seek Him first and let others be secondary. In this way you acknowledge His Lordship and no other advisor will suffice. His answers come through your thoughts. You know they are from Him because your spirit will identify with them. Don’t let your mind then water them down. The sin of rationalism has robbed this world of the light and men walk in darkness. Not knowing who they are they become like animals, depraved and lost. His light will bring them back into His presence and His light will lighten their conscience and make them alive again. Most exist and live lives like robots. They are unconscious to life and so are unconscious to living life in the abundance they were created for. As automatons they travel through life and then are forgotten. In Him you live with a purpose and a destiny and your anthem is, nothing but the Cross, that cancels all sin and prepares you for resurrection life.


Love is presence and when one is operating in presence then true love emanates from your spirit. Spirit and presence are the same thing. In the Spirit you are not affected by ego needs. The ego or false self operates from the spirit of selfishness. It cannot see anything else then its own needs. Everything revolves around its need. This is why it will do anything to meet that need. The need for love, attention etc. Selfishness will breed the same. Others around you are a reflection of you. When you a walk in the Spirit then others will reflect this too. Communication from presence enables others to do the same. When you operate in the spirit then you spark the spirit in others. This is why operating in the now enables you to love purely. In fantasy you are always walking in the flesh. The flesh likes to gloat. Gloating gets you no where. So the key to overcoming the desires of the flesh is to walk in the spirit. Come Holy Spirit and burn this message in me.


Praise God who calls me His own and establishes my steps. God is above your judgemental and lawful mind. He is a God of grace and understands your weaknesses. He is so gracious to you that you live only because of His mercy and grace. His blood cleanses you continuously and so no sin can stick to you. No demons have power over you. Your destiny is sealed by His promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you. In Him you are one in Spirit with His Spirit. In spirit you are an eternal being empowered from heaven and living a life of abundance. His resurrection power will enable you to have power over the material world. God shows His power in situations where human endeavours would fail. He is in you and operates through you. He makes His miraculous power operate through you so that the world would be convinced of sin and righteousness. Sin because the god of this world is judged and righteousness because the Kingdom of God is at hand. Live today in the miraculous and see all your enemies put to nought. Hallelujah my Redeemer lives.


God is good and His banner over you is love. God is good and His love is limitless. Only an eternal life can have limitless love. Everything material is limited and transitional. This world is limited in its capacity, for death and decay is the course of life. Eternal life in the spirit is everlasting and so has a life that never dies. It is eternal and has the quality of God. God is eternal and never dies. The quality of life you embrace will determine the outcome of your life. A temporary life will always live in fear, for death is always round the corner. The cycle of death and decay around you makes you aware that nothing lasts. However man is unconscious to death because in this way he can continue to maintain the illusion of life. Life is an illusion till it meets death. This is the curse of sin and sickness and evil. Therefore embrace eternity and live. Life in Christ is the only life worth living. Everything else promises much but delivers nothing. Today live life in the eternal realm of the Spirit.

10/1/10 HOME

The Lord has called you home to be with Him forever. His home is within you. In Him you are safe and secure and His Holy Spirit will be with you in all your ways. He is your rear guard and will protect you from the unseen forces that are out to destroy you. You will stand like Daniel in the lion’s den and not fear. Fear has been overcome because the Victor resides in you. God has made His home in you and so He will direct your thoughts and intentions of your heart. He will glorify His Name through you. All you need to do is submit to Him and surrender each situation to Him. In this way you abide under His covering and will shine like the noon day sun. Thank you Lord for your presence in me and with me. That’s all I need and everything else is the topping.

11/1/10 ACTION

God is calling you to a place of victory in Him. You have been prepared for this over the years. Now is the time of your deliverance. No evil can control you because He is within you. Keep your eyes on Jesus all the time. Fantasy is a waste of time. The only thing real is what you experience now. Living in fantasy is like living in wonderland. It is never real. It is like watching movies, surreal. Why waste your time in fantasy when it is a waste of time. It is like hot air which achieves nothing. Better to bask in the spirit then indulge in fantasy. Your fantasy is only real in your head. Action is what matters. Thoughts are free but action costs. Therefore act today and deprive yourself of fantasy.


God is at work in you and will enable you to overcome all barriers to push forward into the realm of His presence. Few break through into His realm. He is Lord and He will not entertain half hearted persons. He is holy and He expects His followers to pursue holiness. Holiness is surrender to Him. Surrender means death to the selfish ego. The ego only thinks in terms of itself and its needs. God is always thinking of you and your needs. In Him all your needs will be satisfied. Therefore look to Him and He will counsel you and provide you with the means to meet your need. He is righteous and each situation of conflict is an opportunity for transformation and transmutation. Come to the river of life and be redeemed by the precious blood of the Lamb.

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