Thursday, March 04, 2010


God gives life to the sinner who looks to Him for salvation. Salvation from sin and all its consequences. He who trusts in the Lord will be saved. Many do not acknowledge Him openly but do so secretly. The world does not believe and therefore fails in its pursuit for peace. There is only peace in Jesus. Religion will not provide the answer, only direction. Jesus came to be the answer and not the problem. The problem is religion which has blinded your eyes to see and not see. Many have eyes but they fail to see because they are blind. Blind because the systems of the world have blinded them. The world’s systems are based on man’s values and not on God’s values. Any value system that is man made is bound to fail. A value system must be built on eternal values and not temporary values. Man made values are based on earthly wisdom and goals. These are temporary and do not last. It is like words on paper with no life. Eternal values have life and it is this life that produces fruit that lasts. Therefore tap into His life and live.

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