Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Life goes on despite the storms and fires and upheavals. Look at the sun and moon and stars and wonder. They keep shining despite all weather conditions. They never change. When you fix your eyes on the never changing one then all that changes is like the clouds that come and go. Faith in the eternal one keeps you fixed and never moved by the changes in the weather. Tsunamis, earthquakes, storms, accidents will come and go. The sun remains in its position and continues to revolve perfectly positioned. God is like the sun although He is the Creator of the sun. If you marvel at His creation then imagine how large He is. Faith in an unchanging God is like a rock that will never move. Hammered day and night it remains like unconditional love, fixed. When He who is unmovable lives in you, you too become unmovable by the changes around you. This is the secret of long life, faith in the eternal. God is eternal and His eternal life works in you to bring forth a fresh outlook today. Each new day is a new adventure into the unknown. It is the unknown that gives you the spark to expect much. It is no more the same old same old but expecting something new. This is what brings forth change and growth and fruit. Come to the living waters and be changed.

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