Wednesday, April 07, 2010


I will praise the Lord at all times and with my whole being. Living in the now is the only way to really live. This is to live fully and feel and experience life as it is. It is devoid of fantasy and full of reality. Most people live in their heads and therefore never really know what reality is. Reality is the experience in the now of all your senses being fully alive and present. This is to live by faith. You can plan for your future and set goals but you live in the now. The now is the only thing you are conscious of. Everything else is fantasy. Fears are based on fantasy. You fear because you think the worst and your imagination which is in your head fuels your fears. Faith rests in the sure knowledge that God is in control and nothing will happen to you without His knowledge. When you live by faith you rely on the power of God. You move in His wisdom and act accordingly. You are not influenced by what others think but live in obedience to the voice within. His voice leads you and guides you. You live for eternity and with eternity in mind. The present is lived in the light of eternity. This then changes everything for your perspective changes. You become one with God and He lives and moves within you. You live like a king.

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