Saturday, April 24, 2010


God is at work in you and as you step out and step up to Him He will come down and work through you. Don’t look to man but only to God. He will bring the people who will support you as God will move them. Only put your trust and faith in God alone for without Him you can do nothing. He is everything and only in Him can you achieve the impossible. In Him all things are possible. Death has been overcome. Nothing is beyond death for only death can kill and destroy a dream. Eternal life gives you hope to achieve the impossible because God is eternal. Purify your mouth so that only that which is good will come forth. Purify your soul for it will work against your heart. Your heart is where the Spirit of God dwells and He needs a clear channel for communication. As you move out by faith you will open doors that were closed before. You will find favour with those who were opposed. This will show you that God is in it for only He can turn your enemies into friends. God is in the business of transforming sinners into saints. Hallelujah.

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