Saturday, April 09, 2011


Lord I love you and it is my purpose to serve you all the days of my life. I know the devil is not pleased but I will persist till I die in the way. You give me the strength and the ability to persevere and not relent. You are the Saviour of my soul and in you I am content to be. Many are the pressures that come against me but you are my light and my fortress. In you I am safe and secure and in you I am complete. I fill myself with your word and your word replaces my thoughts. In you I have all things I need for leading a overcoming life. In you alone am I victorious and in you I will overcome all things that face me. You have led me all the days of my life and in you I find repose and rest. Healing and health are mine because you the Healer lives in me. There is nothing more that I can do because you complete me. This is the greatest message that the world needs to know, that Christ in me is the hope of glory. Now I can go into all the world with this message of hope and see captives freed from their torment.

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