Saturday, April 26, 2014

Living in the overflow

The Lord is able to do much more then you can ask or think. He lives in you by His Spirit. You are inHim and He is in you. You are one with Him. This is a glorious truth and you need to believe in this truth and accept it. When you live in this knowledge then things begin to happen beyond all expectations. Now you operate seated in heavenly places in Christ. This is the most holy place . Here there is no sin and the Tempter has no access to this place. Jesus is the only one who can save you. Salvation is more then going to heaven. Salvation is life in the fourth dimension. This is the place of signs and wonders. This is living life in the overflow. Few yearn or desire to live this life. You have been called to live this life. Come and be encouraged and live like a king.

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