Monday, April 28, 2014


Cancer is an illusion! What! This cannot be true. When Jesus walked on earth He treated all disease and disorder as an illusion. He healed all who came to Him. He was able to do this because He was sinless. Sin produces sickness and disease. Jesus came to reveal the true nature of man in his original state without sin. If this is true then all illness is an illusion. We suffer it only because we are still in our sinful body. The body suffers the effects of sin. Cancer is a symptom and not the disease. Jesus came to set us free from the power of sin. Therefore in Him we are free from the power of sin. Sin has no more dominion over us. We are therefore free from sickness and disease. Yet this is not what we see. We see that sickness and disease still affects those who have been redeemed. This is so because even though we have been redeemed we still walk according to the flesh which is sinful. In the Spirit we are free from sickness and disease. Therefore in the spirit we are whole. He carried upon Himself all our diseases and nailed it to the tree. Now all we have to do is live in the reality of this truth. He said we were healed( past tense). If we therefore still feel the symptoms, they are illusory. An illusion is a false perception of the real. Jesus therefore spoke to the real person and delivered those burdened with disease and treated their disease as an illusion. The blind saw, the lame walked and leper was healed. You too can enjoy freedom from illness and disease when you treat them as mere illusions rather then reality.

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