Thursday, May 08, 2014


The ego is the self that is the conscious part of us and conducts our daily life. It decides what we will do and what we will not do. The ego is self centred and only thinks in terms of what is good for me.When the ego is bombarded by the lower self then it is driven by emotions that seek to overwhelm it by basic desires. These desires are controlled by the ego and superego which is our conscience. In a drunken state we have less control over our lower nature. Our lower nature wants to always exert its way over us and sometimes wins. We give into it in a moment of distraction and then regret our behaviour later. The only way to control our lower nature is through identification with the Cross. A crucified life is dead to the pressures from our lower self. We must practice this death daily to be victorious. There are so many temptations to give in to our lower nature but only a surrendered life can walk a spirit filled life. Today crucify your flesh and live a victorious life in Christ.

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