Monday, October 15, 2018

Guidelines for moral living

The Bible is God's guideline for right living. God provided for us the rules for right living. When we live according to His word then we reap the fruit of right living. When we choose to ignore His word then we reap the results of our rebellion. In this age where morality is relative we have drifted away from His laws for right living and what we see is the fruit, lawlessness, sexual immorality and gender confusion, lust and depravation. God allows this just as He did with Sodom and Gomorrah and see what happened there. The end is self destruction. We see this in increasing self destruction through the use of drugs and suicide and self harm. These are warning signs that our lives are out of sync and we have lost direction without God and His word guiding us. When man chooses to follow his own wisdom than he reaps the results of his choices. God has given us a choice and we can choose to follow Him or disobey. Now in this PC generation anything is allowable and there are no guidelines to follow other than our own whim. We will reap what we sow. Therefore don't be surprised at the anarchy and chaos that follows. Let us return to the Bible and listen to His voice and follow Him.

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