Monday, September 09, 2019


Just as your body houses your spirit so also your spirit houses the Holy Spirit. You are a spirit on a earthly journey. Your body is just a house and operates through your senses. Your spirit is in tune with God and communicates with God. Your body senses His presence around you and within you. To be made in God's image is to be born in the spirit with God-like characteristics. This is why limiting your potential to what you can physically comprehend is limiting your true potential. God in you is limitless. When you grasp this your body will respond in like manner. You will be transformed accordingly. You will be able to achieve more than you can think or imagine. Your spirit will begin to control all your thinking and actions. Nothing will be impossible for you when God is in it. This is how man was able to achieve much through little. This is how man will continue to achieve more than is imaginable in the future. Enlarge your vision as there are no limits to what you can achieve in Him. Boundaries are only there to limit you. There are no boundaries in God. God is limitless. Therefore when you operate in the Spirit you become like God. You operate in His strength and might. The kingdom of God is within you. This means that the King reigns in you. All that belongs to Him belongs to you. Believe this and see His kingdom be established on earth as it is in heaven.

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