Monday, January 20, 2020

Spirit To Spirit Communication

There are different forms of communication. We communicate verbally and non verbally as humans with each other. There is emotional communication which touches our emotions. There is also spirit to spirit communication. Man is a tripartite being, body, soul and spirit. We therefore can communicate through these 3 dimensions. Sometimes we get confused because our communication lines are not in sync. This leads to misunderstandings. When one communicates verbally and another non verbally or emotionally then there is a miscommunication. The art of communication is to be able to communicate in the same dimension or channel. Many are able to communicate verbally but they miss the emotional cues of the other. When communication is purely intellectual than it becomes rather clinical and dry. When communication is purely emotional it becomes irrational as logic is absent. However God is Spirit and we need to tune into the spirit to be able to hear Him and operate in the gifts of the Spirit.
God has given us His Holy Spirit so that we can know Him and communicate with Him. We will be able to discern His voice from other voices. His Spirit within us communicates with our spirit to assure us of His presence in us.  When we pray in tongues we communicate at a spirit level with God. This is a quick way to enter into the spirit realm and be spirit minded. When we communicate with others in the spirit then our spirits get excited. Jesus communicated with other's spirit to spirit. Their eyes were opened to see and believe. We too have the capacity and ability to do the same. Man's spirit longs for this kind of communication but sadly even in churches the communication is largely soulish. It appeals to the emotions and the intellect. Ask God to fill you with His Spirit and walk in His Spirit.

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