Wednesday, January 29, 2020

To Know Him Is To Love Him

To really know a person is the key to intimacy. When I know a person I accept the person for who he or she is. There is no judgement involved but total acceptance. This is the way God accepts me. He knew me before I was born. He knows my weaknesses and sins. Yet He loves me unconditionally. It is this love that draws me to Him and keeps me in the straight and narrow way. God is love. To know Him in this way is a profound knowledge that goes beyond head knowledge. To know Him intimately is to appreciate the deep things of God. God is above us and He is our Creator. There is no one like Him. Yet He makes Himself known to us. It is His Spirit that communes with us and makes us know that we are His. This kind of knowing is what sets us apart from others who know a lot about God.This is why the devil is able to oppress many because he knows that they don't know Him. To know Him is to love Him.
Jesus came to reveal the Father. Now we know Him as our Father in heaven. This is intimacy. Once we know Him we become like Him. Jesus waked in intimate relationship with His Father. God wants us to have this kind of relationship with Him. When we hear His voice everything else fades into oblivion. This is the ultimate purpose for His people that they may know their God. This intimate union results in the overthrow of the kingdom of Satan. He can't touch you because of such a strong bond with the Father.Trust Him to reveal Himself to you personally. You will never be the same again. Thank you Jesus for revealing the Father and making us one with you.

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