Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Suffering. Good Or Bad?

Most of us don't like to suffer. We abhor suffering in us and in others. We want to escape from suffering. Why should we suffer? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do babies suffer? Unfortunate accidents happen. Why do some people suffer more than others? Why did Jesus have to suffer and die? Suffering is part of our life journey. No one is devoid of suffering, some more than others. We cannot avoid suffering. We were born in sin and suffering is part of the sin problem. There was no suffering in the garden of Eden. There is no suffering in heaven. All of creation suffers. The sooner we accept this as part of our journey the easier it becomes to cope with suffering. A theology that does not include suffering is weak and does not do justice to the human dilemma. 

Suffering is the where we grow to face the challenges that come our way. The more mature will cope with it and see it as the way forward rather than backward. Illness, loss and pain come to help us to grow and mature. No one grows without pain. Anything of value comes through hard work and pain. What is of eternal value is built on a strong foundation. Therefore see suffering for what it is rather than deny it or blame it for your condition. There are many who have grown from rags to riches. These never gave up but fought through to break through. 

 Jesus suffered much. He faced the Cross. He said not my will but yours be done. At the Cross He said it is finished. He had run the course and completed His mission. Now we can face suffering with Him as He is with us all the way to give us victory. This suffering will pass and we will be the better for it.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Objectify Your Treasure, Talents, Tongue and Time

The challenge that we face in our journey on earth as spirit filled Christians is to overcome our fleshly desires and distractions. The flesh will always fight your spirit. Your spirit is redeemed but your flesh life needs to be sanctified. Paul exhorts us to renew our mind and be transformed Rom 12:1. This renewal occurs as we are filled in the Spirit and walk according to the Spirit. In this process we have to daily crucify the flesh and reckon it as dead. One way to do so is to distance yourself from its desires for power, fame and lusts. This is not easy to overcome in the flesh. How can flesh overcome flesh? This is why some have resorted to isolate themselves from the world and escape to monasteries. You cannot run away from the flesh. The world and the devil can only overcome you when you give into your desires. One way to deal with the fleshly desires is to make those desires into objects. Once the desire is seen as a object it stands apart from you. Attachment to desires of the flesh keep you bound to it. 

God gave us His Holy Spirit to help us in our weakness. He said my grace is sufficient to overcome your weakness. We must tap into this promise and avail of His strength in our weakness. When we surrender our weakness to Him, He strengthens us to overcome. This is a daily battle which must be fought in our mind. First make that evil desire an object than surrender it to Him. Jesus took all our infirmities upon Himself so we can be healed. As we walk in the light as He is in the light, His blood cleanses us from all sin. Come and be set free in your soul and live in the fullness of the Spirit.

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Meaning Of Life

We were born to live a life of meaning and purpose. However most of us are programmed from early childhood to conform to certain laws and regulations that keep us bound to worldly values and goals. This robs us of really knowing the purpose of living. We go through the motions of doing right but our goals are all earthly for fame and fortune. This drives us to achieve in the material world and reach our goals. Some of us have a better start in life than others and so get ahead in the game faster. Others achieve through blood, sweat and tears. One day we realise that these goals do not satisfy our yearning for meaning and fulfilment. Money and fame don't satisfy our deepest longings for meaning and purpose. We realise we have been trapped in a system to meet our carnal needs and desires. Some are driven to suicide at this point. Others accept that this is all one can do.  Some do change and follow their heart and find the true value of life is a life surrendered to. God.

Jesus came to show us the way to eternal life. We were made for eternity not just for this life. He said I am the way the truth and the life. Either He was deluded or what He said He is. I have found meaning and purpose in following Him. He said those who follow Him will live an abundant life John 10:10. I experience His abundance in down times and up times. He never changes although our circumstances may change. Many can testify with me that He is the way to living an abundant life. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Come and follow Him and live a fulfilled life for eternity.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Cross And The Resurrection

God planned from the beginning free choice for man to live life on earth as it is in heaven. However Adam chose to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil and lost his son ship. He became a slave to his affections and was cut off from fellowship with the Father. A curtain was drawn and he was forbidden to eat from the fruit of the tree of life. Thus we too have become bound to the flesh and its desires and find ourselves in a struggle for liberation from the flesh. God provided us with a choice by sending His son Jesus to die for us. He was the sacrificial lamb that was crucified for our sins. This once and for all sacrifice replaced the sacrifice of lambs in the Old Testament. His blood now is available to us much through His resurrection.

Resurrection makes it possible for the blood to continuously cleanse us from all sin and the power of sin. Now we can live a life free from the desires of the flesh. However we have to make a daily choice to avail of the power of the blood. We have to walk in the Spirit and not according to the flesh. The Cross was necessary for the resurrection. No Cross, no resurrection. We too must carry the cross daily to avail of the resurrection power. This power is available now for all who will call on His Name. Here lies the key to abundant living. We have access to a supernatural power that only the saints before the Cross could hope for. God led Israel to Canaan, the promised land. We now are in the land of milk and honey for eternity. Praise God for His salvation that sets us free from sin and death.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Kingdom Mindset

We all have different mindsets. Our mindset determines our outlook. A worldly mindset results in worldly goals. All our goals in life are to attain wealth and fame. A heavenly mindset is set in kingdom values and purpose. Who is king? If Jesus is King than He will be the one you serve. It is His Kingdom that is being established on earth as it is in heaven. We don't see it all at present because He has not returned yet. However we are to prepare for His soon coming return. We prepare just like John the Baptist prepared for the first coming of Christ. Repentance is key to this preparation. Repentance calls for a change in mindset from a worldly mindset to a heavenly mindset. What does this look like?

A heavenly or kingdom mindset is fixed on Jesus and His will. Just as Jesus sought to do His Fathers will on earth so also we must seek His will. Jesus spent much time in prayer to hear what His Father was up to. We too must spend time in prayer and do what we have been instructed to do. The disciples waited and did as the Holy Spirit led them. We have the same Holy Spirit within us to lead us. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit enables us to know His mind. We than can do as He leads us. Much fruit will be seen for we are led by Him and not the agenda of man. Till the church comes to the place of being led by the Holy Spirit nothing will change. Intimacy with the Holy Spirit is the key to a heavenly mindset. God help us to live in this kingdom mindset so that we hasten the coming of the Lord.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Kingdom Of God And The Church

The church is a body of people under God that functions as the body of Christ of which He is the head. This was the original intent. However when we look at the church today we see a divided body  of believers who are not functioning as His body on earth. How did we get to this state? As it was in the early church divisions arose due to differences of opinion. The church had to contend with these divisions and most coped by separation into denominations based on interpretations and egocentric persuasions. We today are faced with the same dilemma and Satan is having a field day with the church. Divisions continue to abound and CHRIST is so divided that He is missing in most churches. There is a replacement church that looks nothing like what it is supposed to be. Many are confused by this and wonder if the church has any place in the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God is alive and well. This Kingdom is non denominational and consists of believers who recognise Jesus as King and follow Him. The King resides in our heart and this is where His Kingdom is. Each believer is a temple of the living God. It is not a kingdom built with hands. It is a supernatural kingdom ordained by God and cared for by Him. This kingdom is eternal and nothing can overcome it. There is no disease or disorder in His Kingdom. As long as we are in the flesh we will only see partly but one day we will be whole when we see Him as He is. This is a shift in vision. We need to get out of our churches and begin to think like Kingdom people. Let us pray His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Social Isolation And The Toll On Mental Health Of The Nation.

We are in imposed self isolation now to cope with the COVID 19 assault. This strategy appears to have had an effect in controlling the spread of the virus. However there is a secondary harmful effect on the mental health of the nation. Isolation is never good for mental health. Many withdraw in times of illness but sometimes isolation is also the cause of mental disorder. We as humans are social beings and need to be part of a community to feel loved and cared for. Isolation breaks this vital connection down and secondary effects kick in. We are unable to touch each other and touch is a powerful form of communication and bonding behaviour. A baby needs cuddles and this enhances bonding and attachment. Once this is broken trust becomes a major issue in development. Adults also need to be connected through touch. Isolation leads to a different life style which breeds disconnectedness. We need community and virtual communication and contact is insufficient to meet this human need for connection. If isolation becomes a pattern for long periods of time than this is difficult to repair. One adjusts to the new normal and remain isolated.
Churches, pubs and other social groups provide a setting for social engagement. Families sometimes are too fractious and may be explosive if no outlets are provided. This is a receipt for disaster. Governments have the responsibility to balance the strategy imposed to ensure that extreme actions do not lead to long term harm. Churches can provide for emotional and spiritual support during these times of stress. People turn to God for help during crises. It is important that churches and other places of worship are kept open during these times to provide comfort and support. Human contact is important just as air is vital for life. Prayer is a vital strategy to employ to defeat the curse of disease and evil. God always responds to repentant hearts and cries for help.

Thursday, April 02, 2020

How Big Is Your God?

Your image of God determines what you can achieve. Jesus had a big vision of His Father and was totally surrendered to do His will on earth as it was in heaven. He was in close communion with His Father and nothing could distract him from this. His Father and He are one. We need to have this same vision of our Father in heaven. We are one in Jesus. We abide in Him and He abides in us. How big is our image of God our Father? When we come to the place where we see God is beyond measure, we come to a place of awe and wonder. God lives in us. How incomprehensible and awesome is that! He lives and moves in us. He abides in us. We abide in Him. Only a revelation of the Father can take us from the place of poverty to abundance.

How do we move from a poverty mentality to an abundance mentality. This shift occurs when we take our eyes off ourselves and what we see with our physical eyes to what we see with our spiritual eyes. The spirit within us can see and feel. All the senses of the spirit are awakened when we see in the spirit. The difference is that those sense experiences are enhanced and heavenly. Jesus lived on earth and saw His Father doing and did accordingly. We too must see what the Father is doing and follow Him. This is to do His will. We cannot do His will if we don't know what His will is. Come today to the place where you see Him with your spiritual eyes. This is possible when we walk in the light as He is in the light.