Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Suffering. Good Or Bad?

Most of us don't like to suffer. We abhor suffering in us and in others. We want to escape from suffering. Why should we suffer? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do babies suffer? Unfortunate accidents happen. Why do some people suffer more than others? Why did Jesus have to suffer and die? Suffering is part of our life journey. No one is devoid of suffering, some more than others. We cannot avoid suffering. We were born in sin and suffering is part of the sin problem. There was no suffering in the garden of Eden. There is no suffering in heaven. All of creation suffers. The sooner we accept this as part of our journey the easier it becomes to cope with suffering. A theology that does not include suffering is weak and does not do justice to the human dilemma. 

Suffering is the where we grow to face the challenges that come our way. The more mature will cope with it and see it as the way forward rather than backward. Illness, loss and pain come to help us to grow and mature. No one grows without pain. Anything of value comes through hard work and pain. What is of eternal value is built on a strong foundation. Therefore see suffering for what it is rather than deny it or blame it for your condition. There are many who have grown from rags to riches. These never gave up but fought through to break through. 

 Jesus suffered much. He faced the Cross. He said not my will but yours be done. At the Cross He said it is finished. He had run the course and completed His mission. Now we can face suffering with Him as He is with us all the way to give us victory. This suffering will pass and we will be the better for it.

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