Thursday, April 21, 2022

Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen

The Good News

The gospel is for all because it is the good news of salvation from sin. Yet many choose to reject the good news. Why?  God has given us a free will which means we have the freedom to choose. Many followed Jesus for the signs and wonders He did. However few followed Him when He talked about eating His flesh and drinking His blood. The religious of His day rejected Him and crucified Him. This is the same situation today. The message is still the same. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life. Many still think Jesus is just a prophet or wise teacher. 

The Bad News

The god of this world has blinded many to the truth. Just as the parable of the soils illustrates, many hear the message but fail to believe or understand. They get distracted by other things in this world. They have no interest in matters to do with eternal life. This life is all they are interested in. However there will be a remnant who will believe and stay the course to the end. These are the chosen ones. Why waste your time chasing after those who have heard the message and choose to reject it? Why not spend your time with those who choose to follow Him all the way. We need to spend our time wisely.


This is a costly path to follow but many will reject His message in the last days. Many will compromise and be lukewarm in their belief and walk. This is the state of the church today. We see a compromised church indistinguishable from the world we live in. We are called to be light and salt in the world. We are in the world but not of this world. Heaven is our home and earth is just the place we live in at present. Come let us be light and salt in this world. Let us not fear rejection as we are loved with an everlasting love.

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