Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Prayer Is Not Limited By Time Or Distance


Many times we are not able to be with a person that needs prayer. They maybe living vast distance from us. However time and distance cannot limit the power of prayer. Prayer is like a atomic bomb that is set off in the heavenlies and is targeted precisely to achieve what it is sent for. We may be in a different time zone and place but this cannot limit God who answers prayers. God is waiting for His people to take up their place and pray on behalf of others. There is no greater power than a Christian on their knees in prayer. Prayer is  our powerful weapon that can demolish every argument and force that seeks to destroy and bring chaos and death.

Praying In The Spirit

Most of us limit the power of prayer by restricting our prayers to standard form of prayer. This is not wrong but sometimes standard prayers lose the personal plea and intensity of prayer. One powerful way to pray is in the Spirit in tongues. Praying in tongues enables us to pray perfect prayers that go straight to the throne room in heaven. This is why we have been given this gift. The enemy cannot understand this language and so cannot block it. Many of our prayers are so earthly that they don't go further than the ceiling. When we begin to see the answers to our prayer we will believe for more. Unbelief keeps us from believing prayers. Prayers as a routine achieves nothing. Prayer must be by faith to believe that what we pray for will be done.

Jesus Example

Jesus taught us how to pray. He spent hours in prayer to receive from His Father and then to pray His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. There is a certainty that what we ask for will be done. He said we can ask anything in His Name and it will be done. Why did He say this if He did not mean it? It is our unbelief that keeps us from availing the promises. Today let us pray believing that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let us pray that evil will be halted and good will prevail. Let us pray for justice and righteousness to prevail across our land. God said that when His people pray He will hear and heal our land. Prayer is our weapon to bring heaven to earth.

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