Thursday, September 29, 2022

Mind Transformation Is The Only Way To Be Transformed Into Jesus Image

The Bible states that we should be transformed by the renewal of our minds. Our mind is part of our soul or psyche. Our mind has been trained by the world to think and perceive in worldly ways. This worldly mind needs to be transformed to think like Jesus. The word of God and Jesus are the same. So when we read and understand His word we get transformed. God's word is living and powerful to separate our spirit from our soul. It is able to discern good from evil. What is seen outwardly could be a copy of the real. To discern the spirit behind the cover requires spiritual insight. Many are deceived by the external rites and rituals of religion. Religion has deceived many to believe the lie rather than the truth. 

Mind Transformation

Mind transformation is the only way to become heavenly minded. This is the key to walking in victory on earth. However there is a cost. Truth will always be challenged by lies. When you stand for truth you will face opposition. This is good for this is a sign that you are standing against the powers of darkness. Many suffer for standing for the truth. In this world that revolves around lies, truth is a rare concept. We have become so used to lies that it has become part of our persona. Some people get away by saying it is white lies or being social and nice. Jesus confronted the Pharisees of His day by calling them white washed sepulchres!


Truth is essential in these days to stand against the forces of evil. Evil has penetrated our psyche that we believe it. We need transformation of our minds. Jesus is the truth and His word is the truth. When we believe this we become transformed into His image. His image is the original personality of creation. When we talk and walk like Jesus we become His light bearers in a dark world. We need to walk in revelational knowledge. This is knowledge we receive through the Spirit from heaven. This is our daily manna to keep us walking in the light. The light of His presence enfolds us and keeps us from all harm and danger. Let us be transformed and be the source of hope in this fallen world.

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