Saturday, September 10, 2022

Spiritual Blindness Is Caused By Believing In Lies

Spiritual Blindness

Spiritual blindness is a condition just like sin is a condition. Due to blindness people cannot believe that there is a God who loves us. This blindness is due to believing in lies propagated by the god of this world. The devil is against God and his main mission is to take as many as possible to hell with him. Therefore we see all kinds of lies being perpetrated through media and other sources to lead us into blindness. We are blind because the lies keep us from believing. Once we are healed we become like the blind man who proclaimed sight after being healed. The blinkers were lifted and he could see clearly.

Soul Blindness

Spiritual blindness can only be lifted through believing in Jesus. Many confuse psychological blindness with spirit blindness. Many ministries focus on soul blindness. Soul blindness is to do with our psyche. Our soul is to do with our thinking, feeling and will. Our spirit was dead through the Fall. This is why Jesus had to come to reverse the curse of sin so we might be saved from blindness. To see in the spirit is to be born again. Just like the caterpillar becomes a butterfly so is the experience of being born again. We see the world from God's perspective.


When we become sighted we see and behold the beauty of all creation. God becomes real and we begin our journey into wholeness. Through His Spirit in us we become renewed to fulfil His plan for our life. God's plans for our life is being thwarted by the devil and so we need discernment to know what is good and what is evil. Evil many times can present as good but the spirit behind it is evil. Let us walk in the light as He is in the light. In Him all is light and there is no darkness. His light shines to dispel the darkness. Lord open our eyes to see and believe and be set free.

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