Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Case Is Closed


Guilt Free

The case is closed. Romans 8:1. What a powerful statement! No one condemns you now for you have been freed from any judgment from your past sins. This is what Christ did on the Cross 2000 years ago. However, many who are born again still continue to walk in condemnation. Why is this so? This is so because we have failed to believe that Christ has set us free from our past. We continue to carry our burdens as if they have not been carried on the Cross. We live in the reality of our scarred conscience and not in the light of our born-again spirit. Our spirit has been redeemed but our soul is being redeemed. We therefore confuse our spirit with our soul and think they are the same thing.


1 Thessalonians 5:23 clearly states that we are spirit, soul, and body. Our spirit and soul live in our body. Our soul and body are still prone to sin. We therefore are not free in soul and body which are under the influence of the devil, world, and self. Our ego continues to want to do its own thing. It has a free will and so can choose right from wrong. When we sin in the flesh we reap the consequences of our sin. We are not totally free from sin because of our fallen state and we live in a broken world. The god of this world is satan and he still operates to steal, kill, and destroy.

We need to be transformed in our souls to be totally free from this world and its hold on us. Our born-again spirit is able to do so as we walk in tandem with the Holy Spirit who lives in us. There is no easy way but through death to self and walking in obedience. The Holy Spirit in us will empower us to overcome every addiction and weakness of the flesh. This is the Good news of the Gospel. There are no limitations in the redeemed spirit. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ in the spirit. This is the reality that we need to grasp to overcome and be transformed.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

In The Spirit Our Eyes Are Opened To See

In the Spirit, we are ushered into a different dimension. When we were born again our eyes were opened to see into the Spirit realm. Before this, we were dead to the spirit world. We were operating in our soul realm and controlled by the god of this world, Satan. The realm of the Spirit is real and we only come to discern when we are born again. Before this, we are manipulated into the demonic realm and confused by all that we see and hear. God redeemed us in the spirit and now we can see. We were once blind but now we see. Spiritual blindness is a worse condition than physical blindness. 

Spirit realm

To see in the Spirit is to walk in reality. The real you is your spirit. What you see in the flesh is a body that will one day die. The real you lives on into eternity. This revelation should urge you to seek for truth in the spirit realm. Few are able to comprehend this and therefore continue to operate in darkness. No wonder we see so much confusion even in the church! One can operate in the spirit or in the soul. The devil has access to our soul but not to our spirit. He is able to influence our thoughts and our feelings. This is why we see so much destruction in society. The devil's main mission is to steal, kill, and destroy. God's mission is to save and give life and that abundant.

It is time that the church enters into the Spirit realm and operates in the Spirit and not the soul. The church needs to step up and be the head and not the tail. Today what we see is how the world has influenced the church to conform to its agenda. We therefore collude with the world to destroy it. God have mercy on us. We need to repent and begin to operate in the reality of the Spirit and be what God called us to be. This is the only way this world can be saved from self-destruction.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Are You Mind Full Or Heart Full?

God created us as spirit beings to live in a body. Our soul also lives in our body and is separate from our spirit. However many interchange the spirit and soul. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 clearly states that we are body, soul, and spirit. In Hebrews 4 the Word of God is able to separate the soul from the spirit. Therefore clearly we can see there is a separation between the soul and the spirit. Our spirit was redeemed through the born-again experience. Our souls are being redeemed through our minds being renewed. Our soul is made up of our thoughts, feelings, and will.

Mind Full

To be mind-full is to be full of facts about life. We can have a  lot of facts but lack wisdom. Facts are not the truth. Truth is in a person, Jesus. He is the Truth and the Life. When we have the Truth we are able to walk in the Truth. The Holy Spirit was sent to reveal the Truth to us. Truth is of the Spirit and therefore we cannot know the truth without the Spirit. The facts may lead us to the truth. Being able to discern the truth is a gift of the Spirit. Many can be full of facts but fail in the long run because they are unable to know the truth. I might have a lot of head knowledge but lack in heart knowledge. Knowledge of the heart is of a different realm to head knowledge.

Heart Full

Heart knowledge is of the Spirit. In the spirit, we are able to connect with God who is spirit. We become one with Him and are called sons of God. In the Spirit, we are able to discern behind the head knowledge and detect the spirit behind the knowledge. In this way, we are able to transcend the different sources or narratives in the world that seek to confuse and deceive us. In the world, the god of this world, will try and deceive us and keep us from the truth. This is why we see so much delay and deception that keeps us from knowing the truth. Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and He will keep us steadfast in Him till the end.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

New Mind

Jesus came to live His life through you. He does this through His Holy Spirit in you. He had to die and go back to heaven so that he could send His Holy Spirit to dwell in you. Imagine the potential within you when you realise that the Creator of the world lives in you. This revelation will blow your mind and still your heart. Your mind wants to control everything but the Holy Spirit works through your heart. He resides in your heart and thinks through your heart. When you begin to think through your heart then you are closer to the heart of God. Your mind is fleshly and thinks only of itself and its needs. Your heart is broad and large and embraces more than you. It extends itself because it is able to fathom the depths of eternity. Your mind is finite because it is limited by your brain. 


Your heart has no limits because it thinks like God. Now you can fly and swim and dance because you are free from the encumbrances of your mind. Your limited mind cannot fathom the mind of God. The Holy Spirit knows the mind of God. Switch into His mind by operating in the knowledge of His Spirit and fly. Yes, to fly is to be above all the limitations of your mind. It is to soar like an eagle. Thank you, Lord, for your Holy Spirit. I acknowledge your presence in me and now I will operate in your mind and see the barriers pushed back. Hallelujah here I come world, to overcome all barriers and see the impossible become possible.

This switch from the earthly to the heavenly is what makes the difference between a heavenly mindset and an earthly mindset. Let us make the switch today by acknowledging Jesus as Lord and walk in the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Truth In Practice

God is at work in you and the best place to be is to rest in His arms. He orders the times and the seasons and knows what is best for you. The devil may delay things but he does not have the last word. Only God has the last word. This is why you need to pray that all hindrances to His promises are unblocked. People need to persist in prayer till what they desire is received and achieved. God blesses and there is no doubt about this. His word is given so that you can receive His word in reality. What is in the word becomes flesh when you action it by faith. 

Spirit Dimension

This is what happens in the spiritual dimension. You enter into the spirit dimension and receive His now word. Then you exercise faith in seeing the word being fulfilled. The word is fulfilled when the substance of it is seen. When you believe for a child then receive His word and the result is seen in a fruitful womb. Spiritual truth is translated into physical truth. His word became flesh and dwelt among men. People in the world have grasped this truth. This is why there is a burgeoning of spirituality at the present time. They all contain the truth but is not the truth. This is how the devil tricks people that they are alright but really they are not alright. Only the truth will set you free. All other ways will result in bondage.


Jesus came to reveal the truth. He said He is the truth. Now those who receive Him are able to know the truth. Truth is a person, not a belief. Facts are not the truth. This is why science does not have all the answers to the truth. Science is based on evidence. The evidence we have is partial and confined to this material world. The spiritual dimension is excluded. Jesus came to reveal the truth so that we can be set free from the lies.

Sunday, September 24, 2023


The pollution of your mind is greater than the pollution in the environment. First, clean up the pollution within you and you will naturally stop polluting the environment. People are more taken up with issues they can see than the hidden things within them. This is a distraction. Jesus pointed to the pollution of the Pharisees in their hearts while they looked at keeping the law. This is a deception. There is no solution to internal pollution than the blood of Jesus. The pollution is so thick that many are blind to it. When they see the internal pollution they will turn in disgust and some kill themselves. This is what it means to see. Most are blind to internal pollution and see only the behavior. The behavior is a sign of the internal state of mind. This is why we need to be transformed by the renewal of our minds. 


Jesus came with the solution but it is too simple for man to receive. Now that you see it is your responsibility to help others to see. This is the greatest gift you can give another, free salvation in Jesus. Then they will say I was once blind but now I see. All other ways point to the way but never to the Truth. John the Baptist came as the forerunner to point the way. So also there are many that point to the way not knowing the way themselves but think they do. It is only Jesus who can open the eyes of those born blind. This is what it means to be born again. Your mission is to help others see and be free from the pollution of their souls and their spirits. This is the Good News of the Gospel. Psychological therapy cannot cleanse sin that is the cause of spiritual blindness. Only the blood of Jesus can.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Judgements Of The Soul And Judgements Of The Spirit

When God created us there was no separation between Spirit, Soul, and Body. The three parts of us were one and operated as one. However, through the Fall, there was a separation of our spirit that was disconnected from God. This death of our spirit led to our soul taking over control of our body. Through our spirit being born again we were reconnected with God but our soul and body were not redeemed through this regeneration. Therefore we are constantly in a battle between our soul and our spirit. Our soul needs to be renewed through the ministry of the Holy Spirit who lives in our spirit.


This process of transformation is dependent on our surrender to the Holy Spirit. Most of us go through a process of walking in the flesh and walking in the Spirit. The more we choose to walk in the Spirit the more we are able to overcome the desires of our flesh. This is the process of transformation. All we need to do is submit to the Holy Spirit in all areas of our life. The demons can influence our soul; therefore, we must operate in the resurrection power of the Spirit to overcome the flesh. The more we walk according to the Spirit the more we become aligned with Him. Our soul and body will become aligned with Him.


The Godhead dwells in us. The Kingdom of God is within us. This is the difference Jesus came to accomplish. We do not need to go to temples to meet God. He now dwells within our temple. This is the revelation we need to receive to be victorious in this life. The flesh and the devil will seek to challenge our spirit but we can overcome through the Holy Spirit who lives in us. What a glorious salvation we have in Jesus. Now our talk and our walk are like heaven on earth. Hallelujah.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Be Born Again

The Lord is overall. He is available to all but most are unconscious of His presence. The world is blind to the workings of God. This is the way the world has been deceived. The world is held captive by the great deceiver of our souls, the devil. He fools everyone by distracting them with the things they can see. The age of media is the primary way of his deceptive tactics. Don’t fall for it as all that glitters is not gold. The flesh is easily enticed but at the end of the rainbow is an empty promise.


 God seeks for those who thirst after righteousness. He is merciful but the devil will accuse you and seek judgment. Jesus chose to lay down His life for me rather than to judge me. It is my own heart that judges me. He never condemns me for He has paid for my sins, past, present, and future. So who will I give my life to? Only Jesus deserves all honor and praise and glory. There is no other way for His way is the best way. No other leader has laid his life down for his followers. They have all sought to lead them down a road that appears good but at the end is death. Jesus gives eternal life and this life is for now.


 Don’t get caught up by issues but seek to give life and the rest will take care of itself. Issues become important only when the real issue is not faced. Avoid the main issue and secondary issues will take centre stage. Be born again and see how your life takes a different direction as His Spirit comes and transforms you from a destiny of death to life. Today decide to receive Jesus your Lord and Saviour and be transformed for eternity.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Evil Influence And How To Overcome

The flesh is strong but the Spirit is stronger. Every time I defeat the flesh through the Spirit I feel stronger. This is evidence that in the flesh I can do no good thing. The flesh will always try to please the ego by giving in to its fleshy desires. The fleshly desires keep man blind to his deeper needs. He is unconscious of his fallen state and therefore thinks that all this is okay. When his eyes are opened to see his fallen state he repents and turns from his wicked ways. This is what happens when a man is delivered from his deluded self. 

Self Delusion

Pharaoh was so full of himself that he proclaimed himself god. This is what happens when power becomes a demon that controls you and you get mad with power. You think that you are indestructible and use others for your own ends. You destroy yourself in this process. The Spirit can deliver you if you submit to Him. He will give you the grace to see your fault and to set you free. This is the gospel of salvation which is free for all but few choose to follow. Man prefers to keep to his rules and regulations and deceive himself that he is safe. No man is safe in his own castle because others will be waiting to see him fall. This is the evil in man that does not wish for man to prosper but to fall. This is what news is and this is what the populace thrives on. The more negativity the better one feels, as it is a comparison of who is less evil than the other rather than who is better than the other. Evil can only compare with itself for it does not understand good. Lord deliver us from this evil age and have mercy on the poor.

Thursday, September 07, 2023

Spirit Filled Life

When the Holy Spirit fills you then He changes your script to a new script, His script. Your script developed over the ages through life experiences slowly dissolves to be replaced by His script. This script is His word that washes and cleanses you. The old script just bound you to a way of thinking and feeling that resulted in death. The new script brings life and that abundant. You revel in the new life for it is full of life-giving words and energy. This new energy penetrates into the core of your being and revitalizes every cell in your body. 


When the Lord calls, He provides. God never calls you to do something without providing the means to do it. God works through His Spirit and therefore He who owns a thousand hills can do what only He can do. When Jesus walked on earth He depended on His Father to provide for His needs. There was more than enough because He depended on spiritual forces. The angels ministered to Him. The Holy Spirit led Him to the Cross. He healed all who came to him through the power of the Spirit. This is the way you will live as well. No more dependent on man but on God. A spirit-filled life lives and moves in the spirit.

Holy Spirit

The same Spirit that was in Jesus now resides in you as a born-again believer. This is the truth but how many of us live in this truth. Truth is there to believe in. Jesus said anything is possible if you believe. He was saying this because that is the reality in heaven. Truth is of a higher realm than facts. Facts can change but truth is eternal. Let us today believe in the impossible and live. Our body and soul will respond to this and new life will come forth.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Facts And Truth

The fact is that you are weak and have all these things to contend with in the flesh. The truth is that you are a child of God, a prince, a priest, and an overcomer. You can believe the facts or the truth in Christ. You are a new creation in Christ. You have been bought with His blood. You are chosen and ordained to be a priest in the household of God. God has appointed you and called you according to His purpose in Christ Jesus. This is what changed the disciples from fishermen to fishers of men. They became world movers through their changed vision of themselves based on the truth revealed to them through Christ. The Holy Spirit came and endowed them with power so that they could now move mountains of fear and sickness and turn the world upside down.


Here is the basis for the word of God in transforming lives so that when facts appear to be true, the truth comes in and reverses it. Jesus said He is the truth and in Him, the facts of your life are changed. In Him, all things are possible for He is the truth. All who call on Him will be saved. Today live in the light of the truth rather than the facts and see how sickness and disease will flee in His Name. His truth transforms and does not just change things. He turned water into wine when He spoke it into existence. The facts were changed by the truth of His word. So also lives can be transformed by His abiding word.

The transformation of hearts is the key to deliverance. So many are caught up in knowing the facts and get lost in it. Truth evades them for they have reasoned it out through their store of facts. When the heart is changed what appeared to be truth changes. This is what changes lives. Jesus came to transform our hearts, not our heads. Facts are to do with our head knowledge. This never leads to eternal life. Come and be transformed today by His living word and live abundantly.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

What Spirit Is Driving You?

Most of us are unaware of the Spirit world because we mainly operate from our soul. Our soul is programmed from birth to think like the world. We receive some religious instructions from our parents and school but they are peripheral to our main mode of operation. Our thoughts and feelings, therefore, drive our daily operations. Through the Fall we have fallen from the grace of God and so have learnt to rely on our own strength. Circumstances and experiences lead us to be self-reliant. We are mainly thinking of survival in a dog-eat-dog world. We survive by taking from others and stepping on them to promote our own self-esteem. This works for some time till we become victims of our own greedy desires.


We are mostly unaware of the spirit world which is hidden from us through camouflage and deceit. However, those who become aware of this dimension get sucked into it and become prisoners of it. Evil spirits are behind a lot of diseases and disorders we see in daily life. We too are driven by spirits but reason them away due to human weakness or relegate it to the psychological domain. Spirits operate in darkness and therefore hide behind a facade of good looks and social etiquette. This works for some time and we can fool most people sometimes but not all the time. The facade drops during a crisis and the real you is revealed.


A good question to ask is, what spirit is driving me? Is it a spirit of pride, jealousy, lust, power etc? Identifying the spirit behind your behaviors will enable you to address them directly. Jesus always identified the spirit behind the words. He addressed them directly and cast them out and set the captive free. We need to do the same. We need to first repent of our sinful behaviors and then cast the demon driving us, out of us, in Jesus Name. Jesus gave us authority to do so and only His Name is able to do so. No other gods can do this because they are all controlled by the god of this world, Satan. Let us today discern and be set free in Jesus Name.

Sunday, August 06, 2023

Thinking And Living As A Community

God rescues those who are abandoned by the world. The world judges by externals while God looks at the heart. The world is deceived by the illusion of the real. Discern and do not judge by your image of what you see. What you see is an illusion of the real. Your brain interprets what it sees and hears. It is subjective in its interpretation. Language is deficient in expressing what it really sees and perceives. This is why knowledge is partial and limited by the perception of the subject. God knows everything about everything. He sees as a whole while you see in parts. Your brain is limited in its capacity to see as a whole. Your own biases limit your vision of the whole. This is why many counselors help to make up for this deficiency. 


Community is the only way to see the whole. One brain cannot do everything. Just as there are different parts to the body and each part has a purpose to fulfill, so also see yourself as a part, not the whole. Selfishness has robbed the community of its purpose. Jesus came to build His Kingdom and he started with his disciples. Yet one can see the tussle that went on in that small group to maintain unity. Each one had his own way of thinking and doing things. When you move from your point of view to that of the community, then your focus changes. 


Building a community is essential to sustainability. Without community, there is no hope of maintaining peace. True community builds trust and confidence and longevity. The church is a community of believers. Yet what we see is a Church invaded by the values of the world. The church needs to move to real community living to impact the world. This is only possible as we live united in the Holy Spirit and surrender our own will.

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

What Does It Mean To Die To Self?

Jesus said, "If any man desires to follow Me, let him give up his own way, take up his cross, and follow Me".Matt 16:24. This is a hard saying but there is no other way to follow Jesus. To deny oneself is to die to self. There is no resurrection but through death. Jesus had to die to rise in resurrection power. So also we must daily die to self to experience His resurrection power. We are to offer up ourselves as a living sacrifice. This means that we can get off the altar of sacrifice. A dead sacrifice is dead but a living sacrifice has life in it. We have to walk like a dead man. We are dead to self, the world, and the devil and alive to God.


The burning bush that Moses saw is a symbol of the fire that will engulf us as we die to ourselves. This fire burns up everything that is of self and the fire produces resurrection power. Without His resurrection power, all we do is operate in our own strength. We can imitate a lot of things of the Spirit in the flesh. This is what we see in most churches. We operate from our soul man and little from the spirit man. We have counterfeited what is of the Spirit. This is why Jesus had a severe word for the seven churches in the book of Revelation. We could easily apply those messages to those churches in our present day. We need to repent and turn from our wicked ways.


Dying to self is to die to our own selfish thoughts, feelings, and will. These thoughts must be replaced by God's thoughts or words. In this way, we get transformed into the likeness of Jesus. The Holy Spirit was sent for this very purpose. Jesus came to baptize us in the Holy Spirit and fire. Few of us desire to be baptized in the fire. There is no other way to be purified and to be the holy temple of God. The fire purifies and empowers. Let us today offer ourselves up as a living sacrifice and be changed for the glory of God.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Man Was Created In The Image Of God

God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. Belief is a powerful attitude that is closely linked to faith. You believe in someone and this belief translates into action. Belief in miracles translates into substance. This is transmutation from one form into another. Thought changes into substance. This is the realm of the miraculous. It all hangs on belief. Faith in the power of the gospel to save, heal and deliver translates into salvation, healing, and deliverance. The Holy Spirit provides the unction to believe and this belief becomes fact. It seems like an illusion but an illusion does not have substance. Thought is one form and substance is another form. They both originate from the same source. The fish is one form that has apparatus to survive in water while the bird is another form that has wings to fly. 


A man was formed in the image of God and therefore can think and do like God. An image is a reflection of the real. You see your image in the mirror and see what you look like. Your image in the mirror that you see is the image of God. When you believe this then you will act like God in love and righteousness. God is love, faith, hope, and all things good and lovely. When you bear these fruits then you reflect the image of God. What we imagine comes from God. 


Imagination has creative power. Imagination is from the Spirit in us. God is Spirit and He created us as a spirit residing in a body. Therefore when we imagine something we are creating something from our spirit. This is how dreams and visions are formed. In our fallen state, most of our imagination comes from our soul. Our born again spirit can imagine from our spirit man.  This is why we can now imagine like God as He communicates with our spirit. This way the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit manifest through us.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

God Is In Control Of A Surrendered Life

Many believe that God is in control of this world. However, few understand that there is a devil who is in control of this world. God created the Universe and all that is in it. However, Satan who God created rebelled and was thrown out and now rules the world. Therefore it is a fallacy to think that God controls the world. God can only control those who acknowledge Him as Lord of their life. When bad things happen to good people, we blame God! This is because we forget that the god of this world causes all the disease and destruction that we experience. God never intended any evil to affect us but sin caused the Fall and we suffer the effects.


In the Garden of Eden, there was no sin. There was no sickness or suffering. This was God's original intent for mankind. God created man with this plan in mind but He also knew that man would succumb to the devil and fall. He, therefore, planned to redeem man by sending His Son, Jesus, as a spotless Lamb of God to die for us. Yes, God is ultimately in control of all that happens, but He is not in total control at present.


When we understand this we know we have to operate in His wisdom. First of all, we need to receive His plan of salvation through Jesus. We then have to make Him the Lord of our life. This means to acknowledge Him in all our ways. In this way, we keep the devil out and fit in with His plan for our life. God has already planned what our assignment is on earth. All we need to do is fit in with His plan. This is the way we live our life on earth and experience His abundant life. Many fail to understand this and so continue to carry the burden of sickness and disease and disorder. Let us today make Jesus the Lord of our life.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Power Of Belief

Happy is the man who believes and therefore receives from heaven above. He believes in the promises of God. He does not waver in his belief. He remains steadfast and therefore will receive what he believes. Belief is such a powerful word that it is closely related to faith. When you believe then you exercise faith in that belief. This applies to any belief. Faith is the key to unlock the power in the belief. You can believe a lie and it will come to pass. Myths are built on this. Placebo effects are based on this belief that a pill will work. The power of belief is what makes a human being different from animals. 


A man can convince himself of his belief and die for it. This is why many are confused because the lie appears to be the truth and the truth is a lie. Both wheat and weeds grow together. They grow out of the same soil of belief. This is why so many philosophies thrive because people want to believe something. An atheist also believes that there is no God. One has to believe something as believing in nothing is impossible. 


Tap into the power of belief and see how the power of God will change your life. This is supernatural power and is available to all. You connect to the spirit world through belief. Believe and be saved is what Jesus taught. The whole Bible is based on believing the written word of God. Tap into the promises of God as you exercise your faith in them. His word will transform you. There is power in His word which is released through faith in His word. Believing is of the heart and not the head. We know facts in our head but till we believe it, it has no power to be experienced. It is the experience of His living word that leads to life.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

He Is In You

Purpose to serve Him and He will be inclined to serve you. The Lord will do in you what you cannot do in the flesh. He is the God of the impossible. What appears to be impossible will be made possible because He lives in you. He is with you and in you and around you. He surrounds you with His love and His angels guard your steps. He is your Father and He is reliable and will come through for you. He is able to do much more than you can think or imagine. This is your God. 


God is a word to describe someone who can’t be described. He is above your thinking mind and cannot be limited by space or time. This is why He is God. Yet He has chosen to limit Himself to your body. Your body is the temple of the living God. When you understand this then you will respect your body and take care of it. You will not abuse it and will respect others the way you respect yourself. When you are filled with His love and light you will be transparent. 


His light will shine through you and reflect itself in others. They will reflect the image they see in you. This is the way you know that His presence is in you. Their faces will tell the story. Therefore be careful what you think because it will be reflected in others. His presence in you will attract many to Him and they will glorify God in you. This is how Jesus attracted many to Him. They found what they were missing and received a deposit of His Spirit. Now His Spirit dwells in you and will equip you for the impossible. This was God's plan from the beginning. He chose to dwell in us and live through us. Amazing grace.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Jesus Came To Remove Sin, Not To Fight It

Jesus's mission was to come in the form of man to reverse the curse of sin. Man was helpless to obey the law because of sin. Sin had control over man and so no amount of self-effort could remove the stain of sin. God knew this from the beginning and so prepared the answer for the sin problem. He sent His own Son, Jesus, to be the sinless, spotless lamb of God to be the acceptable sacrifice to cancel the power of sin. Now In Jesus, we are cleansed and free from the power of sin. Heaven's answer to sin was completed on Calvary when Jesus said "It is finished".


In the spirit, we are completely redeemed from the power of sin. The Holy Spirit resides in our redeemed spirit and helps us in our daily walk. In Him, we have power over sin and so don't have to fight it. Our soul however still is under the influence of Satan who is the god of this world. We therefore could be tempted and fall to the power of sin. This is the dilemma we face when we are challenged to walk by the Spirit. In the Holy Spirit, we can walk victoriously but in the flesh, we will face defeat. This is where the warfare happens and we have to choose how we will walk.

Victory in the Holy Spirit

To walk in the Holy Spirit is life and abundant life. This is what Jesus promised us but we have our free will to choose how we will walk. Our choice makes the difference between life and death. We need to separate ourselves from the world and be one with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was sent for this purpose to help us in our daily walk. Now we can choose to walk according to the Spirit or our flesh. Let us be free from the bondages of our soul. Let us choose to walk by the Spirit and choose life.

Saturday, July 08, 2023

What Does It Means To Say Jesus Is Lord?

Jesus is my Saviour and He is also my Lord. It is easy to understand that he is my Saviour but to make Him Lord is a continuous process. He is Lord but he needs to be acknowledged as Lord in all areas of my life. This is what it means to be filled in the Holy Spirit and to walk by the Spirit. One is to do with a position where He is my Saviour once and for all and the other is to do with a relationship. I am saved but I need to continue in this salvation by making Him Lord of my life. This is easily said than done. To make Jesus Lord of my life is to be dead to self and alive in Him. Jesus came to establish His Lordship over His church. He cannot be Lord where He is not acknowledged as one.


The government shall be upon His shoulders means He is Lord over all. However in this world He can only govern those who acknowledge His as Lord. He cannot be in control of those who reject His Lordship. God is not in control of this world which is under the control of Satan. This is why we see so much corruption and disorder in this world. However His people who acknowledge Him as Lord are under His control and covering. The Israelites were under His covering and protected from the plagues the Egyptians suffered. We are in the world but not of this world. Our Kingdom is of another realm where Jesus is Lord.


This is a profound revelation that we can avail of all his promises in His Kingdom. His Kingdom is here and now. When His church realises this, we become the salt and light in this world. We are being prepared for rulership in the millennium now. This means that when we make Him Lord we become like Him on earth as He is in heaven. Jesus walked on earth as a man and set the standard for our walk. He did what he saw His Father doing. We are called to do the same. We can expect to walk in signs and wonders as we do so.

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Live In The Present Moment in His Presence

Presence power is the power of His anointing presence in you. When you are present in the Lord, then power flows through you to touch others.</a> This is to walk in the present moment in His presence. When you are not present now then you are absent and so can’t minister in His presence power. It is so important to be present and this means being aware of your present moment. This moment is all you have. What you do with this moment will determine your walk and your talk. 


Many walk in the past or their imagined future. This is vain and just an illusion. The present is the only reality you have and know. Nothing else matters. What you have and own means nothing if you can’t enjoy your present moment. Most mental illness is due to loss of present living. Most are caught up in their own vain imaginations that they don’t have time to enjoy the present moment. The devil insinuates his thoughts and feelings and you get unconscious of the present. This is the sure way to waste your years and waste your life. 


Come to the present and invite His presence to fill you and live life to the full. Enjoy all that you do this moment and be connected. Don’t live in your mind but live in the present moment. Living in your mind is to live controlled by your thoughts and feelings. Living in the moment is to live in the Spirit. We are spirit beings on an earthly journey. We forget this to our detriment. Living in the Spirit is to invite God into our daily walk. God is Spirit. What a difference it will make to your walk and talk as you release yourself from your self-made prison of vain imaginations.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Switch To Spirit Mode When Your Soul Is In Turmoil

God has given us a way of escape from the battles of the flesh. Our flesh will fight against our spirit. This is part of the spiritual warfare we have to fight here on Earth. Our spirit was redeemed through the born-again experience. However, our soul and our body continue to want to go their own way. This is the struggle we will experience. However, God has made a way of escape to reign and rule in our spirit over our flesh. This revelation will cause you to yearn more to walk in the Holy Spirit and in power to overcome the desires of your flesh.


Fleshly desires are normal tendencies of the flesh centered on I, myself, and me. It cannot see beyond the needs of the self. This world operates on this principle of getting the best for ourselves, never mind how we achieve it. This motivates most individuals, families, and corporate life. The pursuit of fame and fortune leads many to self-destruct when things go wrong. No wonder we see the rise of suicide today. Suicide is an escape from the torment of the soul. It is the ultimate way out for some who can't stand the pressures of the fallen self.


God through His Holy Spirit has provided us with the solution. His Holy Spirit within us enables us to distance ourselves from our flesh and overcome its deadly desires. Many have been healed of addictions and controlling behaviors by submitting to the Holy Spirit. He is our Counsellor and Friend.  He will lead us out of our dilemma and bring us to a place of rest. We will experience deliverance from the land of Egypt to the land of Canaan. One is a description of our old life and the other the new. Let us leave all and follow Jesus and be set free.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Mind Control

Unto the Lord be all glory and power and blessing. He is the One who calls you and appoints you and will see you through to the end. He is the Father of all and His mercy and grace surround you. Many are the structures in your mind that restricts you. Now is the time to let them all go. These structures cause you to be imprisoned in a state of apprehension as fear keeps them immovable. Now you can bring them down as His love invades your space. When you surrender all to Him then He moves in to dismantle these structures of your mind. He will then infuse you with His love. His love will remove these structures and replace them with His presence. His presence is all you need for in Him you don’t need structures. The structure is only required for your ego to feel safe. Once you have released self-control to His control then you become a free agent of His love. Man not dependent on God is an enemy to himself without knowing it. You become unconscious of the processes of your mind. Your mind then dictates your moods and thoughts and usurps your will. Your will then determines the outcome of your life. This sometimes ends in tragedy. A mind controlled by the ego is susceptible to despair for it gets tired of itself. All it does is go around in circles over the same old things that occupy the mind. The mind cannot sit still, for sitting still is like death. It will deny death by remaining active and deluding itself through such activity. So life becomes a merry-go-round till it wastes itself and dies.


The Lord is over all and in His presence is peace everlasting. The mind will always doubt but the spirit will move out in faith. So don’t be distracted by your mind that will provide excuses. Once you are able to disconnect with your mind then you will find it easier to operate in the spirit. For most people, their problem is with their mind. Their mind will bring up all kinds of issues to distract you from operating from presence. Presence is the silence behind the mind. The mind wants to control but it needs the form of thought to control. Thoughts are a distraction for they come from different sources. In the spirit, you come into His presence, and in His presence, you are not controlled by your thoughts but by His thoughts. Your mind will resist His thoughts but He is in control and therefore He will always win. 

Spirit Control

Subjection to His Spirit in you will enable you to overcome mind control. Once people realise this then they will want to be in His presence at all times. This is the only way to overcome the mind. Others will try to control you, using their mind power but you will not be controlled by them when you respond from your spirit man. Many fall into the hands of others because their minds give in to them. In the Spirit, you can be in command and overcome all situations. This is the spiritual war and only can be overcome through His Spirit.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil

In the Garden of Eden were two trees. One tree was called the Tree of Life and the other the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve were instructed by God not to eat the Tree of Good and Evil. This was the case till the serpent tempted Eve to eat it. Once they ate of the fruit of good and evil their eyes were opened to see evil. They first became aware of their nakedness and hid themselves with fig leaves. Interesting that they became first aware of their nakedness. We cover ourselves with fancy clothes to cover our nakedness. This has been from the beginning, that we are horrified of our own sin, that we have to cover ourselves to hide from sin.

The Fall

God knew from the beginning that Adam and Eve would not be able to cope with the knowledge of good and evil. God knew of good and evil but evil could not touch Him. In our weakness, we too cannot cope with the temptation of evil. We succumb so easily to it. However, in Christ, we can overcome every temptation. God provided for us a way of escape, through the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. Now we too can return to live by eating from the Tree of Life. We too can now live like Adam and Eve before the fall. This is what abundant life is all about. We will still be faced with temptation but need not sin.

God's Plan

This was God's plan from the beginning. By giving man free will He knew there was the danger that man would fall. He, therefore, set in place a plan for man to be saved. He sacrificed His own Son to redeem man from his fallen state and restore man to his original state. Our spirit was born again through redemption. What a salvation, what a life! Now we have to be transformed in our soul to be like Christ. This is the work of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. We are a new creation in Christ and we have to live as His new creation and not give in to our fleshly man. This transformation occurs as we choose to walk in our new man in Christ. Hallelujah.

Friday, June 02, 2023

We Need To Be Born Again In The Spirit

We are a new creation in Christ 2 Cor 5:17. The old has passed. This is a profound statement in The Bible. Our spirit was cut off from fellowship with God after the fall. We had to be born again in the spirit to be restored to the right relationship with God. This God did by sending His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for our sins. This was planned before He created man. God in His foreknowledge knew that man would fall. He, therefore, planned the solution to restore man to Himself. Initially, he gave man laws to follow to prove that he was powerless to keep them. Then He sent His Son as the sacrifice so that now restored in our spirit, we could fulfill the requirements of the law. God is Spirit and we are spirit and our fellowship was restored through His life.


All religions try to reach God but are powerless to do so, as they strive to reach God through self-effort. It is impossible to reach God this way because He is Spirit. We need to be born again in our spirit to be able to reach God. All other ways are useless as they are like climbing a mountain but circling around it rather than up it! God knew this and therefore in His grace and mercy provided a solution. Despite this, we can start in the spirit and still walk in the flesh. This is why we need to have a separation of our soul from our spirit to discern between the two. God's word enables us to do this. When we read and understand His word we will be able to discern the difference and act accordingly.


Much of what we see in the church today is of the soul. We try to imitate what church should be like but God sees us like the seven churches in Revelation. He judged all of them and they do not exist anymore. We too could end up the same way unless we turn from our wicked ways and repent. We must operate in the spirit and overcome our fleshly ways. Unless we do this, we will delay the return of Christ for His bride. Each generation is responsible for this. I believe this is the time for my generation to stand up and be accountable and usher in His return. We can do this if we all walk in the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

God's Time Is Now

God operates beyond the dimension of time. He is eternal and therefore operates in a timeless dimension. We on earth are limited by time and death reminds us that our time is limited. When we operate in the dimension of time we operate to time limits. Everything we do is to the dictates of time. We are so controlled by time to the extent we operate like robots. Space is another limitation. Of course in this world money is the source to buy everything. God is not limited by any of these dimensions. He cannot be controlled by time, space, or money. In heaven, none of these things matter. Imagine that!


When we pray we expect things to happen immediately. In this instant generation where we expect things to happen yesterday, time becomes our modus operandi. We are disappointed when God does not respond to our requests immediately. We question God when he says "Ask me anything in my Name and I will do it." Mathew 7:7. We wonder why He does not answer and then blame Him for not answering in our time. We forget that God operates beyond our time limitations. We cannot pin God down to a time as He knows what is best for us. We must switch to God's time which is eternal.


This switch in our mindset will enable us to understand many things which sometimes confuse us. We are His creation and He is our Creator. He formed us and made us the way we are. Our original form was like Adam before sin entered the world. Now we have to be redeemed to operate like Adam. Our spirit was redeemed when we received Jesus as our Lord and Saviour but our soul is being redeemed. We, therefore, have limitations as long as we are in our earth suit. One day we will be free and then will know as He is known. Let us not lose faith when we don't receive immediate answers but be diligent and persevere till we receive all God has promised.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Fear Of The Lord

We hear the words, "Fear the Lord" but how many of us really understand what this means. Many have the Old Testament mindset that fear means punishment. This is the wrong interpretation of the fear of the Lord. Fear is to do with reverence and honor and respect. When we honor someone we give them the respect due to them as people in authority. God is above us all and trying to be equal to Him is a fallacy. This is what led Lucifer to fall from grace. Pride can sometimes manifest as a know it all attitude. This can cause many troubles to oneself and to others. When we fear the Lord we become aware of His presence and therefore desire to honour Him in everything we say and do. He watches over us and knows our thoughts and feelings. We fool ourselves by thinking we can get away with things we say and do.  This is why Jesus said we must be careful with our words.


The church has lost the fear of the Lord. Many think that God is all-loving and so will overlook our sins. God is a God of righteousness and justice. We reap the consequences of our actions. Lucifer fell through disobedience. Adam and Eve fell through disobedience. Look at what happened to them. The opposite of love is justice. Love does not ignore injustice. A loving God is also a God of justice. Love misinterpreted many times gets us into difficulties. We will bend rules to please others but in the end, this is not love. Love disciplines and operates within certain boundaries. Where there are no boundaries there will be chaos.

Word of God

This is why we need to know the word of God, which is our template for knowing God. He has made Himself known to us through the scriptures and through His Son, Jesus. Now we have the Holy Spirit to guide us and lead us into all truth. Truth is reality. When we obey God's word we live in reality. We face many issues in life and we have to know God's mind on these issues and walk in obedience. What we are faced with are opinions on issues. This clouds the truth and therefore what we see is a world of grey. Jesus was black and white and there were no grey areas in His life. We may interpret His words to suit our sinful nature but this is not the truth. Today let us walk in the fear of the Lord and be set free.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Mountains Need To Be Bound

There are many mountains that we face in our lives. These could be mountains of sickness and disease, relationship difficulties, financial troubles, etc. These mountains can be viewed as physical problems at one level but there may be a deeper issue underlying it. Jesus told us to speak to our mountains in His Name and they will be moved, Mark 11:23. What did He really mean? He was referring to the mountains as demonic manifestations that need to be moved. Problems manifest in different ways but those who can discern the spirit behind them can speak to them to be removed. This is a different level of operation from the physical. Once we enter the realm of the spiritual we begin to see with different eyes. 


We hear little teaching on the demonic in churches these days. Most teachers and preachers shy away from mentioning the word demonic. They are scared of being labeled as out of sink with the present culture. Most want to leave the devil out of our lives by ignoring his works. However, those who are spiritual are aware of the demonic. This is what spiritual warfare is all about. One can't fight the devil with physical and psychological weapons. Our weapons are spiritual that are able to tear down powers, authorities, and principalities in high places. Once we enter this realm of spiritual warfare we will begin to change our talk and walk in our daily life.


The blood of Jesus and the Name of Jesus are enough to scare any demonic interference in our lives.  The devil trembles at the Name of Jesus. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. How much are we involved in this? Could it be that the church has forgotten its initial command to go and make disciples of all nations? The weapons of our warfare are not carnal.  Have we lost our power because we have conformed to the ways of the world? Let us speak to our mountains and see them removed from our lives.

Friday, May 12, 2023

I Am A Sinner And A Saint

I was born a sinner and I was born again as a saint. This is the marvelous plan of salvation that God designed before I was conceived in my mother's womb. was born a sinner and I was born again as a saint. This is the marvelous plan of salvation that God designed before I was conceived in my mother's womb. Jesus was already slain as a lamb for the salvation of man even before He created man. All this appears so impossible to our human minds but God is above all our own human thinking. God is our Creator and knows the end from the beginning. When we think like God we become like Him. The Holy Spirit was sent to us to think like God. He thinks through us, as He lives in us. What a perfect plan of salvation, yet most reject this, because it is too simple!


In the flesh, I will continue to battle with sin and the desires of the flesh. The devil will tempt us as he did Jesus. Yet we can overcome through the Holy Spirit all the temptations of our flesh. When we walk by the Spirit we become like Jesus when He walked on earth. This is the time for preparation for our heavenly reign one day. Many give up too easily the fight and give into a ordinary life. God has called us to live a supernatural life on earth. He has given us all we need to live this supernatural life.


When we identify ourselves as saints in the spirit we become overcomers. The Holy Spirit dwells in our spirit. This is why we need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire. The fire cleanses us and empowers us from heaven. This is an experience and not just a thought. God came in the form of man to make it possible to live the heavenly life on earth. I know from experience that this is possible. Many saints have proved through the ages that this is possible. Many have left a mark on earth through their life and we benefit from their labors. Now we have been called to do the same for the next generation.

Friday, May 05, 2023

Compassion: Key To Ministry

Compassion is how one communicates passion. We may have a passion for healing but unless we are able to communicate this we remain powerless. Compassion is supernatural. It is not just human love for another. It is more than that. It is the ability to feel the pain of another and walk in their shoes. This is not easily done as it means dying to self and being vulnerable. In my profession in psychiatry, I was taught to be objective and keep my distance from my patients. This is one way to cope in situations where life and death are an issue. Decision-making becomes difficult when one is not objective. However, Jesus felt compassion for the lost and the sick. He was able to communicate this to the sufferer and brought healing to them.


This may be key in ministry. Many do ministry like a job. However, there is no power in it. Power comes with the ability to empathize with the sufferer. This is not how ministry is done on most occasions. Could it be that we have failed to depend on God when we do ministry? When we depend on God we become vulnerable and dependent on Him. The Holy Spirit was given to us to enable us to do ministry in His power. However, most of us rely on our own power to do ministry. God wants us to be channels of His power. He does not share his glory with anyone. There is only one way to compassion and that is through death to self.


Self-glorification never leads to compassion. We are so centered on self that there is no place for God. Compassion is the only way to do ministry. I challenge everyone to search their heart to see if they are operating in compassion. Love must drive everything we do. Where there is no love there is only empty activity. We must repent from our wicked ways of doing ministry and ask God to impart His compassion to us.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Soul Noise Limiting Hearing God's Voice

Our soul is constantly engaged in chatter. Most of the time we are unaware of this chatter which occurs at a subconscious level. However, we can become aware of this chatter when we consciously watch our thoughts. This is the basis of cognitive therapy. When we observe our thoughts we will become aware of the repetitive nature of our thoughts. These thoughts cause us to feel up or down. Many times we are so consumed by our thoughts that we are unable to hear God through our spirit. The Holy Spirit talks to us through our spirit. We then hear Him through our thoughts. However, if our thoughts are so loud then we will drown out the voice of God. This is why we need to learn to silence our souls and focus on God's voice in us. This is easily said than done but it is possible.


One way to quieten our soul chatter is to pray in tongues. This cancels our thoughts as we now are communicating in the spirit which bypasses our mind. We get into the spirit mode. We can also meditate on the Word of God and hear His voice speaking through His Word. Distracting our thoughts by diverting our attention to something else is another way to quieten our soul Painting, listening to Godly music, and playing a musical instrument are other ways to distract ourselves from our repetitive thoughts. God speaks loudly when we are able to wait on Him in silence. This silence is an inner silence not just by being in a quiet place. We can be in a quiet place but still have noise in our souls.

God's Voice

God's voice sounds like His written Word. He sometimes speaks to us in pictures or through our senses. He can speak to us when we are occupied doing housework. We must be open to hearing Him. Soon we will be hearing Him more clearly. Once we enter into habitation we become more familiar with His voice. We will only want to do what He is saying. This is a state of complete surrender to Him. We become detached from the world we live in. It will feel like living in heaven on earth. This may only happen at times in the beginning but becomes more continuous as we surrender all to Him. 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Believe In Your Heart

Jesus said, "Believe in your heart and you will be saved" Romans 10:9. Many don't understand this and so continue to operate in their soul and lose out on the abundant life Jesus promised to those who believe in Him. Believing in your heart is a shift from the soul realm to the heart realm. Our spirit dwells in our hearts and not in our souls. Our soul needs to be differentiated from our soul. Many confuse the heart and the soul. They, therefore, operate from the soul realm and understand the Bible from their own human understanding. Spiritual discernment is lacking and therefore we have different translations of the Bible. This is like the confusion at Babel. Therefore we have a divided church because we confuse spiritual understanding with soulish understanding. When we are born again we are born of the Spirit, not our soul. Our soul continues to need to be redeemed through the transformation of our mind. Our spirit is saved and goes on to eternity.

Spiritual Discernment

Spiritual discernment is lacking in the church at large. We, therefore, have division and a lack of understanding of Biblical truth. God's word is truth and it never changes. Culture may change because as humans we are growing in wisdom and knowledge. Facts may change but the truth never changes. Science observes and changes the facts depending on new evidence. Spiritual truth is eternal and infallible. Jesus came as a man and died and rose again. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is the only way to Father, God. These are eternal truths and will never change. God created man and woman and there are only two genders despite the move to cancel this truth. Life begins in the womb because we were created not evolved.


Today culture seems to dictate what we believe. If our belief does not accommodate with culture then we will be ostracised. The church needs to stand for truth and not accommodate to culture. The way to do this is to discern between what is soulish and what is spiritual. We are spiritual beings on an earthly journey. Our destiny is heaven to those who believe. In fact, we are already seated in heavenly places with Christ. This is the differentiation that needs to happen before the church can truly be the church on earth as it is in heaven.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Demonic Activity ++

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. The devil's mission is to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus came to bring life and that abundantly John 10:10. In this is our mission too in the world. We too are called to destroy the works of the devil. How do we do this? God has supplied us with the blood of Jesus as a weapon to drive out the devil and his demons from our midst. As we do this we will see a shift in the atmosphere around us. God's original intent for us was to enjoy the fruits of His creation as in the garden of Eden. We can still do this as we apply the blood of Jesus everywhere we go. We have the same authority Jesus has because He has given us this authority to bind and to lose.

The Church

The church is the body of Christ on earth and is the only vehicle on earth through whom He has appointed for His mission to be accomplished. His church must wake up to the truth of His word and believe it. He has given us His word so that we can receive His promises in it. We need to believe and receive it by faith and see the evidence of it manifested in our midst. All sickness and disease have to bow to the Name of Jesus. There was no lack in the Garden of Eden. There was no sickness in the Garden of Eden. The people of God were protected in Goshen and were not affected by the plagues that infested the Egyptians.


This insight alone should cause us to take up our arms and get on our knees in prayer. Prayer is our weapon to battle against the forces of evil that are infesting our world. We need to be the watchman who stand at the gates and watch over the people. What we bind will be bound. Let us bind the works of the enemy of our souls and set the captives free.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

God's Kingdom Is In You

God's kingdom is not a physical entity but a spiritual kingdom that was established when he came to live in us. Jesus is King and He came to claim us for His own. Many looked for an external Kingdom but God planned to build His Kingdom within us. We are the body of Christ and as we come to unity in His Spirit we become His Kingdom on earth. His Kingdom grows as we grow in Him. This is an organic union where we become a community of people who serve Jesus as Lord. When we grow in maturity we become strong and resilient. All our needs will be met from within. God established this way from the beginning. However, we tend to still look for things from the outside.

His Will

Jesus looked to His Father to fulfill all His needs. He only did and said what he saw His Father doing. We too need to walk in His Spirit and be led by Him in every area of our life. There is no other way to walk in the kingdom. We lose our way because we try and walk in the flesh to meet our needs. This is not the way Jesus came to establish. He said His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. He has already decided on the plan for each one of us to fulfill. Now it is our turn to fit into His plan in heaven.

His Plan

Our books have already been written in heaven. We miss His plan only because of delays or hindrances. We will face many challenges as we choose to walk in His way. However, when we choose daily to do His will, we will fit into His plan. God is calling each one of us to begin to tap into His resources within us and bring heaven down to earth. There is no other plan. 

Friday, April 07, 2023

Jesus Finished Work On The Cross

Jesus said "It is Finished" on the Cross. These three powerful words finished the work He had come down to accomplish. The devil was given a death blow on the Cross. He had no idea that the crucifixion was meant to cancel his power. Jesus reversed the curse through the sin of Adam for eternity. He became the second Adam to redeem man from the curse of sin. This is the Good news of Good Friday. Many still mourn His death when we should rejoice and be glad. Now we can enjoy freedom from the power of sin through His resurrection power.

Resurrection Power

His resurrection power made applying His finished work on the Cross possible. Without His resurrection, His death would have been powerless to complete His salvation. His resurrection power makes His blood powerful and alive to cleanse and set free the sinner from the power of sin. God had planned it all from the beginning. He knew man had no power in himself to change. Throughout history, we see how His people were so weak to keep from sinning. Even the disciples could not stay awake in the garden of Gethsemane. Yet they were all changed when Jesus rose from the dead and took possession at Pentecost.


Pentecost sealed His mission for good. Now He is able to possess those who confess Him as Lord. His church is no more powerless but powerful to overcome. The gates of hell cannot prevail over His church. We must apply what Christ has possessed on our behalf. There is no other way to overcome than through Jesus' blood. His blood applied through the power of the Holy Spirit will make us whole. Satan cannot stand the mention of His Name or His blood. Today let us rejoice in the finished work of Christ on the Cross.

Saturday, April 01, 2023

God's Voice Sounds Like His Word

God's voice can be heard and He speaks to us primarily through His written word. The word of God is the inspired, infallible eternal word of God. It was written by saints who were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write down His words of truth. Now it has been handed down to us through the ages so that we too can enter into the fullness of it. As we read His word we become familiar with His voice. God in the beginning spoke and formed the worlds. He created all that we see and the unseen worlds. He is the Creator of all things. What was originally intended for good has fallen and so lost its original form and purpose. Jesus came to restore His original creation to its original form.

Word of God

The word of God is inspired and therefore has life in it. It is infallible and so holds truth that is of eternal value. Jesus quoted the word and even said to the devil that it is written. We too need to use His word to confront the devil. The word of God is an offensive weapon in our armory. All other parts of the armor are defensive. When speaking the word of God by faith we set in motion the word to be fulfilled. When we pray the word of God it is set in motion to perform the word. His word performs means it will create what it is sent forth.

Spoken Word

God has given us the authority to speak His word. His word eaten and received will bring forth fruit of its kind. The healing word of God will bring forth healing. The deliverance word will set the captive free. As we read and meditate on His word we begin to hear His voice. This is how we can discern His voice from many other voices that we are exposed to. Our speech will be like scripture spoken out loud. We become sensitive to His voice and now begin to speak what we hear from Him. In this way, we grow in stature and power with God.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Our Warfare Is In The Spiritual Realm.

Most of us are unaware that the real war that is occurring is in the spiritual realm. Most of us are blind to this warfare. Yet the Bible clearly states that our warfare is not with flesh and blood but in the spiritual realms. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities, and powers in this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms Ephesians 6:12. This is a profound truth yet few of us engage in this warfare because we cannot see it. Blindness is no excuse for inaction. The evil powers want us to be blind to their existence. We need to engage with these forces that manipulate and control us on earth.

Superficial Battles

Most of us are aware of the physical and psychological realms of our existence. We engage in superficial battles of the flesh. God wants us to see beyond the physical and psychological and see with the eyes of the Spirit. When we discern the spiritual forces behind people and events we become aware of the battle that keeps us imprisoned. We need to break out and face these spiritual forces. Jesus did this all the time. He did not see the sick, lame, and captive as we see them. He addressed the forces behind them and cast them out. This is what we need to do too.

Spiritual Warfare

Engaging in spiritual warfare is a must for us who believe. Jesus taught us this and gave us the authority over them to cast them out. We are to bind and to lose. What we bind will be bound and we lose the captives. In this way, we establish His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Let us today enforce this in our area of influence and see the devils flee and the captives set free.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Focus On Christ In You

Christ in you is our hope of glory, Col 1:27. What a powerful verse to dispel all our fears. The devil hates to hear this. He comes and distracts us with symptoms and external distractions. Yet our hope is Christ in us. We can defeat the devil with this one word, Jesus. His Name and presence in us will drive every demonic attack from us. The devil does not reside in you. He deceives us into thinking that he controls us. However, if Jesus is Lord then the devil is a victim. Jesus is our hope and no devil can overcome us through worldly distractions and physical symptoms. All we need to do is focus our attention on Jesus in us.


Most of us are so distracted by symptoms. This can come in the form of physical symptoms or symptoms due to environmental issues. Car problems and relationship problems and work problems top the list. These are distractions that keep us from keeping Jesus as the focus of our attention. Distractions keep us from our central focus. When we choose to ignore the devil he will mostly leave us. A barking dog will only continue to bark if we give it our attention. Ignore it and it will stop barking and go for another victim. We need to keep Christ in the center of our lives always and ignore distractions. This does not mean that we don't get medical attention when required. We need to discern and address distractions accordingly.


Recently I developed some symptoms of tingling numbness in my fingers suddenly. I ignored it for two months. Nothing happened.  I decided to get medical advice and got some investigations done. The investigations revealed that I had a prolapsed disc in my neck. The neurosurgeon recommended surgical intervention. I decided to see if physiotherapy could remedy the symptoms. So far there is a marked improvement in symptoms. I now am ignoring the symptoms and concentrating on doing the exercises. I am also seeking a second neurosurgical opinion. In most occasions, our symptoms are just a red flag to something not right. Don't let that distract us from Christ in us who is our Healer and Deliverer.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Whose Narrative Do You Believe?

We are bombarded by different narratives in this pluralistic world. They all sound good and are useful sound bytes. However, they don't always tell the truth. They are narratives to promote a certain agenda like climate theory or gender ideology. These narratives are specifically promoted by government bodies to achieve a certain goal. The goal is never usually declared as that would defeat the purpose. The climate crisis may be to achieve the goal of equality among nations. However, it may be also a goal to control the nations by certain bodies. All these narratives do not address the core values and longings of the human heart. They are superficial narratives that choose to distract humankind from their basic need for love and attention.


Jesus came to address the basic need of mankind. The need to get back to Father God. People had lost their love for God, their Creator. God was a distant figure who had no interest in the everyday needs of man. Jesus came to restore that personal relationship with His Father. Sin had entered the core of our hearts and broken the cord that bound our hearts to God. There was only one solution to this brokenness, sacrifice. The sacrifice of blood was necessary to restore the original relationship.


Jesus came as the sin offering to restore our relationship with God. His sacrifice fulfilled the just requirement for our salvation from sin to love. God's love restored us to a right relationship with Him. Now we can live like saints and not sinners. This is the narrative that we need to promote during these days of confusion and chaos. There is no other way for us to be restored to our original state. No other narrative will fulfill this requirement. Everything else sounds good and necessary but will fail to meet the cry of the human heart. Today let us promote Jesus narrative and see the world restored to wholeness.

Friday, March 10, 2023

The Tree Of Life Lives In You

The Tree of Life lives in you, John 15:5. In the garden of Eden there were two trees. One was the tree of life and the other the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Gen 2. God forbid Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of good and evil. However, they disobeyed and fell into sin. They were banned from eating from the tree of life. Jesus came to redeem us to Himself and now lives in us as the tree of life. His sacrifice fulfilled the just requirement and so set us free to access the tree of life. What a holy transaction! Yet many still choose to eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil. It is sin that causes us to eat this fruit. We can choose to eat whatever fruit we desire. God made it easy for us by living in us and enabling us to choose freely.

Divine Exchange

This is the divine exchange that took place. God knew that Adam and Eve would be tempted and fall. God knew we were incapable of living a holy life. He, therefore, decided to live in us and live through us. He however does not override our free will. He respects us and allows us to make mistakes. It is through this process that we are refined. Life is a journey but He is with us to help us on our onward journey. He has already destined us to win in the end despite our failures. His love woos us to choose Him and to reject all that stand against Him.


What a salvation we have in Jesus. There is no other religion that offers this but Jesus. All other ways promise much but they are like clouds without rain. We need to beware of copies of the real. Our soul will seek to lead us astray but we must operate in the spirit to reform our soul. We are transformed in our minds as we follow the Holy Spirit who lives in our spirit. Today let us embrace the tree of life, Jesus, and never take our eyes off Him.

Thursday, March 09, 2023

When We See And Hear In The Spirit

When we were born again in the spirit we were made a vessel prepared for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This is why the Bible calls us a new creation. Our mind cannot comprehend the possibilities this opens up for us in the spirit. The Holy Spirit is God and He has chosen to live in us. Our mind is limited but He is limitless. When we believe this, we will begin to operate in the supernatural. Jesus came as a son of man to demonstrate that it is possible to live like Him on earth. We can now choose to walk in the Holy Spirit or in the flesh. The more we choose to walk in the Holy Spirit the more we will become like Jesus.


This is how transformation occurs. Our minds are renewed and we begin to see things and people like Jesus did. We will think and talk like Jesus. We will not be led by our own mind but by His mind. This is a change in mindset. What a transformation from the old you to the new you. Is this not what the world wants to see? A transformed individual will lead to a transformed family and society. We no longer walk according to laws but by the Holy Spirit and in love. Once we walked according to the law now we walk according to grace. One leads to death and the other to life.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit was sent to fill us, counsel, guide, and be our advocate. He is a person and not a thing or bird. We can relate with Him like a person. This is mind-blowing but possible. The reason we don't see many walk in this path is because of the tussle we have with our flesh. A few saints have overcome and seen the benefits of this transformation and have turned the world upside down! Will we choose to walk in the Holy Spirit today?

Thursday, March 02, 2023

Through Which Eyes Are You Seeing: Physical, Mental Or Spiritual?

We are created as a triune being with spirit, psyche and body. However we tend only to operate mainly in the physical for this is the part of us that is visible. The spirit and psyche are not visible but as real if only we have eyes to see. The psyche is that part of us that is to do with our thoughts, feelings and will and some call it our soul. The spirit is a deeper part of us that understands spiritual matters. God is Spirit and can be understood through our spirit. The body with its senses is able to see, hear, taste, smell and touch and orient itself to the world we live in. Without the senses we would struggle to understand our world. However our brain is so sophisticated that it can compensate for a sense that is deficient or absent. The blind are able to perceive through through their other senses. We see through our physical eyes and that is one dimension of seeing.


The psychological realm understands what we see in the physical.  We perceive  things through our psyche. Most of us take it for granted and do not explore the workings of our mind. Because we are unable to see  our mind with our physical eyes so we are blind to the psychological. We assume a lot of things which are not there. This what leads to us misunderstanding others because we do not understand completely the meaning of what we see in the behaviours of others. When we see with our psychic eyes we begin to understand how complex we are  and there are layers of understanding behind what is visible. A child crying maybe because she is hungry or because she is irritated by light or sound or pain. So also many behaviours that we see have different meanings and we simplify things to a single cause to our detriment. 


The spiritual eyes see a deeper or higher dimension of operation where angels and demons and God operate. To see with our spiritual eyes is to understand that there is a world beyond the physical and psychological. Some people are able to see visions where angels and demons operate, with their spiritual eyes. This is called spiritual discernment. Prophets are able to see into the future and make predictions of what is to come. The demonic operate in this realm. What appears to be a physical or mental problem could well be a demonic infestation. We need eyes to see in all three realms to see our world in the way God created it. Failure to do this keeps us bound in the prison of our own making. Let us see from God's perspective and love this world like the way He does.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Transformed Into The Likeness Of Jesus

The Bible states that we need to be transformed by the renewal of our mind. How does this transformation take place? We need to first be renewed in our spirt before this can happen. Our spirit needs to be born again which happens when we receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. We were dead in our sins and therefore did not have the ability to commune with God who is spirit. To be able to commune with God we need to be born of the spirit. We were born in the flesh in our first birth but still dead in the spirit because we were born in sin. Sin cut us out from communion with God although we were created by God. He had to breathe His Spirit into us to come alive. This born again experience is the only way we can have eternal life. 


Once we have come into the knowledge of His salvation we now are in a position to have a relationship with Him. Most are satisfied with the born again experience but fail to move on in the Spirit. No transformation takes place. Their spirit is born again but their flesh is not. Our flesh needs to be transformed through the renewal of our mind. This renewal is a process. Our spirit mind gets renewed by the Holy Spirit who comes to dwell within us. Before we were born again the Spirit of God was working outside us. Through the born again experience the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in our spirit. We now need to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and fire to be transformed into His likeness. This is the process of sanctification. Our flesh man needs to die daily so the spirit man can come alive in leaps and bounds. This transformation is like the transfiguration that took place when Jesus was with His three disciples. The disciples saw this but failed to understand what took place. 


This transformation can lead us to be so separate from our flesh that we feel as if we have been transfigured. We now are totally immersed in the Holy Spirit and He directs our flesh. This is the state that Enoch was in. He was so transformed that He walked away into the other realm without facing death in the flesh. Is this possible for us? Nothing is impossible with God. Smith Wigglesworth reports that he was so transformed that none of the diseases could affect him. We can be so transformed that our flesh is affected and redeemed by the power of God. I yearn to be transformed to be like Jesus on earth. Do you?

Sunday, February 12, 2023

What A Hope We Have In Jesus

Jesus promised us eternal life to all who believed in Him. What a glorious hope we have in Jesus. No other leader has promised this. This is only possible for Him to say this because He is God. Now what more do we need to do but to believe and be saved from eternal damnation. Jesus came to restore us to our original relationship with Him. He chose to do this for our sake. Now we have to choose to follow Him. There is no other way. Recently I lost contact with my friend who always sends me a good morning message daily. I had difficulties contacting him and thought he had been promoted to glory. However today he contacted me after a week of silence. My only consolation during the week of silence was that I would meet him in glory.


What a hope we have in Jesus that we will go on to live after this life is over. This is what drives me daily to promote Jesus  to everyone that some may decide to choose to follow Him. What a joy awaits those who do so. There is nothing that thrills me more than leading someone to Jesus. Andrew introduced Peter to Jesus. Peter became an apostle and led many to Jesus. We are called to do the same. This is the message the world needs to hear today. Jesus saves.

Only Saviour

What else is my life worth living for? I can give all I have to the world but I can't give them eternal life. Only Jesus can. So I choose to give them Jesus. He is the eternal word made flesh and only Saviour of the world. His gift is free but it will cost me much to follow Him. He laid down His life for me. I choose to lay down my life for Him. Will you?

Saturday, February 04, 2023

Eternal Life Is the Power From Heaven To Transform

Jesus promised eternal life to all those who received Him as Lord and Saviour. This is a profound statement yet true. He came in the form of sinful man to redeem man from his fallen state. This was planned before the creation of man. God knew that man would sin and so had to provide an answer. His answer is Jesus. He is because He lives and is the same yesterday, today and forever. The promise of eternal life means more than living forever. It is the power to transform our body and soul through the regenerated spirit. We now have the ability to operate in the spirit and commune with God who is Spirit. We were once dead through sin but now are alive through the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit

His Spirit dwelling in us enables us to operate in the spirit. We now no longer are led by our thoughts and feelings but by His Spirit. This is a life lived in the Spirit. As my spirit grows and matures in the things of God I am transformed in my mind to change the way I think, feel and act. I am transformed by the renewal of my mind. I become like christ as my mind is renewed. I move from my position in Christ to a relationship with Him. This an ongoing process and the speed of transformation is dependent on my will to surrender all to Him. Most of us go through phases of walking close with Him and then withdrawing. The battle is in our mind. The world and the devil will try to slow the process. We must stay fixed in our goal to fulfil all God has planned for us. This is our destiny.

Eternal Life

Eternal life is  a power that never dies. It is full of life and vitality and new everyday. We must tap into this life daily and not relent. His Spirit will help us. What a wonderful life is this to look to Him for all our needs and desires. His desires become  our desires because all we want to do is please Him. He bought us through His blood and cleansed us from all sin. We now have the pearl of great price and nothing can take it away. Let us rejoice in this eternal life that money cannot buy.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Demonic Infiltration

The demonic has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. The seed of the serpent was impregnated through the Fall and ever since then mankind has come under the influence of the god of this world. God saw the results of the Fall and just like in the days of Noah so we are seeing the same effects now. We have lost our fear of God and have become gods in our own eyes. This was what happened to Lucifer before his fall. Pride took over him and he wanted to be god. So the history of mankind has followed in the path of the Fall.

Genetic Code

Our genetic code has been modified through the ages and we see the effects of it in sickness and disease. Now man is trying to modify our genes to make us even more vulnerable through various mutations. God destroyed the hybrid population as the world was populated by a hybrid race and lost the original creation that God created. God created man in His own image but through demonic infiltration all creation fell into sin. God preserved Noah and his family to continue the original creation but we see  that Satan has continued to infiltrate and destroy His creation.

Resurrection Power

Now Jesus sacrifice is the only solution to reverse this downward trend. His blood possesses the resurrection power to reverse all disorder and disease. His blood is sufficient to cleanse and to cure through the cleansing power from heaven. This is the only solution to a sin soaked generation. The Gospel of Good News is as relevant today as it was 2000 years ago. There is no other way to be redeemed from the curse. His blood is sufficient for now and forever to everyone who believes. Let His blood now cleanse you from all sin and see its effects being manifested in your body and soul today.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Sexualisation Of Relationships

We live in a broken world. We are bombarded by sexual images through the media as it is very seductive and gets our attention. This is a strategy the devil uses to corrupt our relationships. He entices us to sin and spoils everything. His main mission is to steal, kill and destroy. God has warned us through the book of Proverbs the dangers of being seduced into the devil's snare. Yet we continue to be led astray to forbidden areas to our own peril. Many start their walk well but end up making compromises and end in a heap. This is what we see happening in the church and in the world. We think we can manage dangerous relationships but fool ourselves.


Sexualisation of relationships is a everyday problem for many. We start well but soon find ourselves sexualising our relationships especially with the opposite sex. This happens in all ages and between sexes. Why do we do this? This is how what began in the spirit now has become fleshly. Good relationships when sexualised soon become corrupted. Watch out for this happening in your relationships. This is why we need to draw firm boundaries around our relationships. Boundaries like laws are there to keep us from harm. Transgress them to our peril.


God has given us guidelines to help us in our walk. We cannot have one leg in the world and the other in the spirit. The flesh is against the spirit. The sooner we recognise this the easier it will be to keep within our boundaries. Discretion is wise in certain relationships. Marriage is out of bounds for outsiders. Marriage is a covenant and any entertainment of others will pollute it. Even parents need to be kept out. Many marriages break down because of parental interference. So also any one else who is part of a marriage and that includes children will destroy the marriage. Beware of boundary incursions and keep your relationships pure.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Word Alignment Is Life

God's word is the plumb line He has given us to live by. His word is not just a letter but living to enable us to live by what it says. God's said word becomes His saying word when we believe it and receive it. Replace each word with the Name of Jesus and see transformation come into your life. His word is powerful and spiritual. His word became flesh and dwelt amongst men. God and His word are one. God's said word transformed into flesh so that we may see and believe. No one has seen God and therefore He sent Jesus in the form of man. Now we have seen God in Jesus and can relate to Him. His words are in alignment with His personality. When we know Him we become like Him. His word is our template in knowing Him.


God has not left us helpless but has sent us a Comforter who will lead us into all truth. His truth is aligned with His word. Therefore when we align ourselves with His word, we walk in obedience. When He said "Love your enemies" He meant it is possible to do so. We can only do this through the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. Many words written in the Beatitudes appear impossible to live by. However they can only be accomplished through a renewed mind. Jesus set the example and knew it was impossible for man but possible for the renewed man. 

We are called to follow Him. This means we have to say and do what He said and did. We have to surrender all to Him and live by His Spirit. His Spirit lives in us who believe in Him. Now He lives through us as we allow Him to. There is nothing impossible in God. God wants to restore us to the way it was in the garden of Eden before the Fall. Will we choose to follow Him?

Sunday, January 08, 2023

Understanding Through The Holy Spirit

We can read scripture and understand it through our mind or through the Holy Spirit. We can operate through our mind or through the Holy Spirit. Jesus said He would send another to replace Him. He would live in us and teach and guide us. When we enter into the realm of the Spirit we enter a new dimension of operation. Jesus did not leave us alone. The only way we can connect to the heavenly realm is through the Holy Spirit. Every other way is a man made way. This revelation came to me as I began to see how sub standard my walk has been so far. To walk in the Holy Spirit is to walk in total surrender. I am just a vehicle to enable Him to speak and work through me. This so different from the way I was trained to operate by.

Holy Spirit

Walking in the Holy Spirit is a new dimension of living. It is like how Jesus lived on earth. He was full of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus. How could we ever walk like Jesus without His Holy Spirit? We fool ourselves in thinking we can imitate Him by our own effort. This is a delusion. We need the Holy Spirit to live like Jesus. This challenges my mind as it goes against what I have been trained to do. Now living in the Holy Spirit is easy when I surrender all to Him. He takes over and manifests Himself through me. My understanding grows and I see things in a new way. Love has a new meaning.


When I read the scripture through the eyes of the Holy Spirit my understanding becomes new. I no longer try to understand with my mind which is limited. I process things through the Holy Spirit.  What I thought I understood before becomes like stale bread. I now taste of the living bread which is fresh and new. My walk and talk is like walking in heaven. My life becomes empowered by the Holy Spirit. What appeared impossible becomes possible. This is what it means to live a heavenly life on earth. I see beyond the natural into the supernatural. My soul and body are revived and renewed and I can expect anything as heaven comes down to earth.