Sunday, December 11, 2005

Confront your shadow side

11/12/05 Confronting the shadow self
Everyone has a shadow or dark side that is handled in different ways. The dark side usually rears its head during times of pressure or stress. This side then takes over and fear and negative feelings will determine your thoughts and actions. It is this side that needs to be confronted during these times and exposed to the blood of Jesus for cleansing. The shadow is usually in darkness in good times. It rarely appears to rule during good times. But it is always there and this fear of the unknown is what keeps many living in fear. Fear of the dark side taking over and the imagination and thoughts come to the fore in dreams. The only way to deal with this side is to expose it. Defending it for fear will only give it power to harm. Dissociative behaviours are due to the suppression of this dark side. Whatever the cause the way to deal with this shadow is first to acknowledge its presence. This is a sign of maturity. Many call this a state of ambivalence. Whatever it is one needs to acknowledge this side otherwise your life will be stunted by it. True freedom is to acknowledge the good and the bad. Denial of the bad only leads to it manifesting itself in sickness and disease. Many get into compulsive behaviours powered by the dark side. These are unconscious ways of dealing with the shadow. The healthy way is to channel this energy into helpful ways of giving and loving. The real and the shadow are both to be accepted and dealt with. This brings about a harmony as acceptance enables one to live with oneself without condemnation. Why wait for others to condemn you when you can confess your weaknesses and be free. Sin is real and no one can hide from it. It is denial or rationalisation of sin that causes a problem. The blood of Jesus is available just for this that you maybe set free from the power and guilt of sin.

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