Saturday, December 24, 2005

The power of the blood of Jesus

24/12/05 The power of the blood of Jesus.
Men who are prepared to expose their shadow side have come to the place of healing. Those who choose to hide behind their self made façade will continue to be enslaved by their shadow. Christ came to deliver men from the power and guilt of sin. When men expose their sin then they are truly free. Confession is such a powerful tool for the cleansing of the soul. Medicalising the problem is just window dressing of sin. It is not the answer to the problem. Only the blood of Jesus has the power to cleanse a sinner and set him free. There is no drug that can cleanse a bitter and guilt ridden conscience. When you have experienced the cleansing in the blood then you will know what power there is in the blood. Know that His blood was shed for all but only those who receive it like receiving a gift can experience its cleansing power. There is power in the blood and this power is what will render Satan and his demons powerless. Come now to the healing stream and be refreshed in the blood shed for you and for me and has eternal consequences.

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