Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Today is the only day you have to live for. Tomorrow is just a dream. Yesterday has past and gone forever. Living in the Spirit is to live each day as the last day of your life. What is done is done. What has happened has happened. You can't go back and change it. All you can do is make a better day today. Living in the now is the only way to live a full life in the Spirit. Yesterday was a good day but today will be better. Each day as you live for this day, life will take a new direction. All you can do is sow and leave the rest to God. In Him you have all wisdom and knowledge to do and say the right thing. Do not waste your time in vain imaginations for this will sap you of strength. Focus your thoughts on God's words and you will find strength to carry on. Life in the now enables you to focus all your energies in the now and get the best from it. Your old pattern is to let the old dominate your present. Now shift your focus and stay fixed on the now and be set free from the guilt of the past and the fears of the future. God is in the now because He s eternal.

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