Friday, December 30, 2011


The Lord causes you to manifest in thought His mind on mAtters that concern life and living. His words pour out through you as you open up to him and act as a channel for Him. We are all channels for Him to manifest His works. He works through all creation. Those who are open to him will manifest goodness and holiness. Never reject any of His creation. His creation is marred by sin but that does not mean that they are less then perfect in His sight. God does not see sin for He is holy. He sees you through His blood and so in Him you are sinless. His blood shed on Calvary enables Him to see you as you are , a perfect creation. This is how God sees you. You must see yourself as God sees you. As you walk in the light as He is in the light then the blood of Jesus cleanses you from all sin. In this sinless state anything is possible. This is the state of sinless purity which is the state in which God resides. You are able to be in this state only because of His blood. His blood is alive and powerful and cleanses you continuously. This is the everlasting sacrifice purchased at Calvary for you. What a wonderful transaction was made and now you can enjoy the privilege of this transaction now and for eternity. Sinless perfection is your destiny and it begins now. In this state it is impossible to sin. When you are conscious of this state then you have transferred to a different dimension of operation in the spirit. This is the realm of miracles.You have moved from the world of form to the formless where the spirit is. Your spirit joins with His Spirit and you are one just as the Father and the Son are one.

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