Thursday, February 21, 2013


The mantle of a man is seen in his works. A man of character will demonstrate his faith by his works. Where there are no works the faith is questionable. Works are behaviours that demonstrate your mantle. Your mantle is built through your faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. This means that if your faith is on nothing then you will evidence nothing. If your faith is in Christ then you can expect to see Christ in your works. What I am speaks more then what I do. I can do all things in Christ. However I can also do all things for Christ. In Christ means in His power. For Christ means I do it in my strength. The difference is in the whose is the power. Many do things in their own power. Jesus came to give us the gift of the Holy Spirit so that we can do all things in His power. You need a power source to do things. A car needs petrol to power it to move otherwise it will be a beautiful car that does not move. In Christ's power you will never grow weary. His power is endless. Therefore examine in whose power you operate. Just flow in His power and you will never get burnt out.

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