Monday, April 15, 2013


Death is only a moment away. This is how thin the veil is that separates death from life. Yet we live each day like there is no tomorrow. How very illusory iS life when death is only seconds away. We live as if there is no tomorrow. Life just goes on and we drift through life as if there is no end. What a wasted life which ends as it began with no purpose and vision. Yet God did not design life this way. He designed man to live with purpose and vision. He created man to enjoy life and all His creation. Yet the pressures of daily life keep us in a subconscious state of mimd where we drift through life and end up with nothing. We are so taken up with pressures from within and without that we have no space to enjoy it. This is the lot of man lost in this world of distractions that keep us moving but never reaching. This is why Solomon said that life is an illusion and all is nothing but wind. How hopeless life is for a person who ends in futility of purpose as death ends it all and all he is left is dust. In Christ there is an answer that will change this hopeless and purposeless life to one with purpose and a destiny that is eternal. Hope in Him and nothing will be wasted for all things will be consumed in Him to make a glorious end.

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