Saturday, April 06, 2013


In the spirit world there is a freedom unknown to the flesh world. This is why we need to be filled in the Spirit and walk by the Spirit. Anyone can enter into this realm but there are dangers. There are good spirits and bad spirits. They all occupy the same world of spirits. Many have entertained this world only to be trapped by demons. There is a fine line between good and evil. Evil always copies what is good. This is the devil's main tactic. He captures the simple through his hidden tactics of camouflage and deception. People are hood winked into believing what appears to be good only to be snared into his net. Therefore these are days when we need the spirit of discernment. What is the spirit behind the words and behaviours and feelings. What is evil will cause an unrest but what is good will bring peace. Behind every action there is a spirit. Kind words appear to be so but what is the spirit behind those words. Is it envy, greed or jealousy? It is not the words that matter but the spirit behind the words.  Only the spiritual can discern. In this day and age there needs to be discernment to know what is of God and what is of the devil. Appearances are deceptive. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

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