Sunday, April 14, 2013


Time and space are not in God's account. He is eternal and omnipresent and therefore they don't compute. We humans are limited by time and space and therefore in our world they are important factors. However they are limiting factors. When you can transcend time and space then you too can operate in God's arena of faith. When we limit faith by time or space then we limit God. We need to operate in God's timeless timeline to be able to see things in God's way. If healing does not come in our time we become hopeless and lose faith. If goals are not met on time then we despair. God has His way and His way is not always in your time. Many times things happen at the last moment by God's grace. Time only matters because death is final for man. We age because we limit ourselves by time. In a timeless generation there is no ageing as there is no death. In God's Kingdom physical death is not the end but the beginning of eternal life. You are an eternal being who has taken the form of a human being and will take another form when you die. Your spirit is eternal i.e was even before you were conceived. This is why God knew you even before you were conceived in your mother's womb and chose you. Never be distracted by the form for the form only contains what is spirit. You are a ministering spirit sent to minister His love and salvation to all.

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