Sunday, July 07, 2013


God is waiting for you to move out rather then stay in. Staying in is a regressive state while moving out is a progressive state. If you want to break through then you have to move out. Moving out means to move in the direction of change. When you are stuck in a rut then all you think of doing is remaining stuck. When you decide to move out of your rut then you will move till the rut becomes shallow enough for you to climb out of the rut and into freedom. Salvation is the same. You are stuck in a merry go round of no change. You decide to step out of this and you see a new world before you. Many are stuck in a rut of relationships or jobs or groups. These all are systems that are stuck. When you choose to go against the strain you will cause chaos but through this change will occur. Be a change agent and see the world change around you. The Holy Spirit will help you to achieve this as you move out in His power and see things change before you. Jesus did not conform to the rules of the day. He spoke with authority and changed the world from a rut to a path. The path led to eternal life and not to death. He died that I may have life and that eternal.

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