Thursday, October 03, 2013


 Blazon the land with the light of His Presence. How? By praising and praying till you shine His light through you. God's light is in you. The only way it is going to be seen is through praise and prayer. You enter his courts with thanksgiving and connect with the Holy Spirit. When you connect with Him He will connect with you. A charge is set off and you light up just like a bulb that lights up when the switch is on. It is this connection that is needed to set your heart on fire. When your heart is on fire it will just burn with His love and peace and joy like no other. This will light other fires and soon the land will be on fire for the Lord. In His presence there will be manifestations of all kinds including healing and miracles. The word of the Lord will go forth and perform its works. Faith will rise and bring forth fruit and the world will go round like a musical melody. Crime will reduce and people will see through His eyes and become like the people of heaven on earth. All selfishness and hatred will vanish and replaced with pure love. Shine Jesus shine through me today.

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