Sunday, October 27, 2013


Our perceptions are influenced by our emotions. If we are feeling high then our perceptions are positive and we tend to minimise the negatives. If we are feeling negative then our perceptions mainly see the negatives and minimise the positives. This is why we cannot make a unbiased judgement because our perceptions are not based on facts but emotions and change like the weather. Love covers a multitude of sins but sometimes ignores the negatives. Love is an emotion as well as a decision. I decide to love even when I don't feel loving. Loving feelings enable one to minimise the negatives and this is what happens to newly married couples. They tend to minimise the negatives till those loving feelings begin to fade and reality reveals the negative aspects. Only love can then continue to stay the course for the negatives are very powerful to breakdown those loving feelings. Love now takes on a new meaning. It is not just a feeling but accepts the beloved,warts and all. Anything less then that is lust. Therefore be careful about your perceptions for they are not reliable. Taking time to let those initial feelings settle usually helps us see situations and others more clearly.

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