Tuesday, October 01, 2013


I am the temple of the living God. The Holy Spirit dwells in me. I am a holy vessel cleansed in the blood of Jesus. He keeps me holy. He cleanses me and fuels me each day to walk in His ways. He is my light and my fortress. In Him I dwell safely. I am His and He is mine. I will never depart from His ways. He has promised never to leave me or forsake me. In His presence is joy and peace and everlasting love. In Him I am and my destiny is in Him. I am, therefore I can be.

Many follow other gods that satisfy their fleshly desires. I choose to follow the Lord who fills me with spiritual desires. The world is on a course to self destruct. Selfishness is the god of this world. Selfishness never results in holiness. God is holy and He is always thinking of you. Blessed is the Name of the Lord. It is good to know that God is in control. As this earth flies though space it is held by His mighty hands. The winds of change will blow but God is not moved. His stable right hand will take the earth to its destination despite the chaos in the world.  Man is but a speck of dust and will be no more when his time is up. God is eternal and never ceases to live.

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