Wednesday, May 06, 2020

I Once Was Blind But Now I see

I recently had cataract surgery and the result is amazing. I realised that my vision was hazy before but now it is bright, clear and sharp. The spiritual parallel is that we too were blind once but when God revealed His salvation we began to see. How we need to pray for God's grace to manifest so that many more may see. The world is blind to their own sinfulness. Only the grace and mercy of God can open blind eyes. Even after our eyes are opened we only see in part. One day we will see wholly when we see Him as He is. As we continue on our journey and listen to His voice we see more clearly. He wants us to know the truth and the truth will set us free. His truth is in His word. His word was made flesh and dwelt amongst man. He now is seated in heaven to help us who continue in our struggles till we join Him in heaven. Be strong and never give in to the enemy who wants to take us to hell with him.

The key to keep steady and focussed is to listen to His voice and follow Him. There are so many voices that demand our attention. Distance yourself from these other voices and purpose to stay fixed on hearing His voice. Pray in tongues to quicken your spirit and sharpen your senses to His voice. When we follow Him we will be at peace. You will know His voice for He says my sheep hear my voice. 
You will wait till you hear Him. There is no restlessness but rest in Him. Your spirit will say amen to His voice. In this way other voices will be discerned and rejected. You will love to wait on Him and be led by Him. You will go in the background and He will become the foreground. This is our destiny that He should increase and we should decrease. We will become like Him when we see Him as He is.

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