Monday, September 13, 2021

Eating His Body And Drinking His Blood Daily Is The Key to Deliverance From Unbelief

Jesus said He who eats my body and drinks my blood will have eternal life. Many even the disciples did not understand what He meant when He spoke these words. Now we know what He means through His death and resurrection. The eating and drinking is symbolic of His sacrifice on the Cross in exchange for our redemption. There is no redemption from sin but through His once and for all death on the Cross. His mission was fulfilled for all humanity once and for all. There is no need for more sacrifices for the redemption from sin. Yet man continues to believe that he has to suffer to redeem himself from the curse of sin. What a travesty of justice that we continue to believe in the lie rather than the truth.

Jesus instituted the communion for us to remember His death and receive His life. His life is eternal and He promised this before He died. Now we who choose to believe in His finished work on the Cross can avail of His promises. Eternal life is not just for our spirit but also has health and material benefits. He promised us abundant life not only in the next life but right now. Yet many still suffer and die without experiencing the truth. Unbelief is a major factor in robbing us of our inheritance. The only way we can overcome unbelief is through trust and belief in His finished work on the Cross. Good works cannot achieve our redemption. Good works result from our redemption in Christ. His love so fills us that we can only respond in love. Love begets love.

This is the time to confront our unbelief and trust Him to save us. The more we trust Him the more we will experience our deliverance. Unbelief is a spirit that keeps many from seeing and believing. Pray and bind this spirit so that many can be delivered from spiritual blindness. God is moving in mighty power during this time of the pandemic. People are desperate for answers as the whole world is held hostage to this virus. Governments use this virus as a cover to control the minds of the people. Fear is a major weapon of the enemy. Perfect love casts out all fear. We need to trust Him to deliver us through His blood from every and any kind of fear. Today His salvation is free to any who will call on His Name and be saved.

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