Sunday, September 19, 2021

You Are A Son Of God. You Are A Supernatural Being.


Jesus came as the Son of God to redeem the world. He sacrificed His life on the Cross and all who call on Him will be saved. He made them children of God or, in other words, sons of God. We are now new creatures in Him with His Spirit living in us. We have a new nature  in Him. We are now owned by Him and we live in a new Kingdom and heaven is our home. We have been separated from this world and it is no longer our home. Our mansions are being built in heaven waiting for our promotion when He calls us home to be with Him. Meanwhile we are to live in our new identity as a son of God.


In our new identity we have the same supernatural ability Jesus had when He walked on earth. His resurrection power is available to us because He lives in us. This supernatural power is what will make the world see and believe in Jesus. They will see the love we carry and our supernatural ability to perform signs and wonders. Our responsibility is to preach His word. Signs and wonders will follow as we do so. This is His promise and it is fulfilled as we speak the word of His power. God created the worlds through His spoken word. We do the same as we speak His word empowered by His Spirit. The Spirit takes His word and performs it. His healing word heals, His saving word saves and His deliverance word delivers.


This is the inheritance of His children. We are spirit beings on an earthly journey. We live now only for Him and His Kingdom. We pray His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This is to bring heaven down to earth. Jesus did good wherever He went. We are to do the same. He pushed back the kingdom of darkness. We too need to be light in a dark world. We are to push back the forces of darkness that are sent to steal, kill and destroy. Now the Kingdom of God has come to bring life and that eternal. Let us walk in our new nature and not give in to the flesh, which will fight against the Spirit. I choose to walk by the Spirit and deny the desires of my flesh. In this way we will establish His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

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