Saturday, May 14, 2022

Believers Are In The World But Not Of The World


This world is not our home. Our home is in heaven and we are just visiting down here. This may sound weird to some who live as if this world is all there is. In Christ we have been saved out of this world and become part of the Kingdom of God. Our Kingdom is of another realm. Jesus said this when he responded to Pilate and said His Kingdom is not of this earth. We too must live life like this, so that we can win many over to the Kingdom of God. However we don't see this difference between the world and the church today. The church has allowed the world to lead the way rather than the our way round. We see this in all areas of life where compromise has caused the church to bend to the demands of worldly demands.

Present Culture

This is the challenge we face daily as believers. The present culture is anti Christ and we have to choose if we will conform or challenge. If we choose to challenge the system we will be faced with penalties. This may lead to loss of jobs and reputation. If we decide to take a stand on issues like abortion, same sex marriage or trans culture we will be faced with hostility. What do we do then? We are called to be light and salt in our culture. How can we be light and salt if we are no different from the culture we live in? We are called to be separate from the world in the way we lead our life. How can one work in a culture that has different values to one that we believe in?

Taking A Stand

These are challenges we will all face and we have to make a choice. I made a choice and got into trouble for it. However I took a stand and challenged the system. Many have followed and now we wait to see the progress in how the government will respond to the challenge. Believers have to stand up for what they believe in. Compromise appears to be friendly and tolerant but like the frog in a boiling pot will soon die. Light cannot mix with darkness. We can be friendly but if standing for truth offends than that will be a choice we have to make. The Kingdom of God will suffer violence but we must stand and be firm in what we believe. There is no other way to resist the slow tide of decay and demoralisation.

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