Thursday, May 26, 2022

Faith Without Works Is Dead


Without faith we cannot please God. He who comes to God must believe that He is. This means we must trust that He is who He says He is. We cannot come to God through reason because our reasoning is finite. God is Spirit and our finite thinking will fail to comprehend Him. We must believe before we can receive this revelation. Once we have received then we can act on what we believe. If our believe is only a mental activity then all we have is a god made in our own image. This is a waste of time and energy as idols created by man to replace God only serve our own desires. This is where most religions are stuck in worshipping god created in their own image. Satan wanted to be like God and so he fell from his glorious position in heaven.


Faith is action. Faith will produce fruits. Faith the Bible says is the substance( title deed) of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. When we operate in faith we can expect to receive what we hope for and this applies to all areas of life. God is Spirit and we are spirit beings and so when we operate in the Spirit we are able to access His riches in heaven. This applies to our physical and mental needs not just our spiritual needs.When we receive we are able to share this with others. Others will benefit from what we receive. The same glory that Jesus has He shares with us.  We now can share of this glory with others.

Personal Experience

Faith without works therefore is like clouds without rain. Our faith in a living God must translate into action. I have experienced God's blessing and favour in all areas of my life. I want to share His goodness with others. God called us for a purpose and this is to bless others. We are called to bless others who are not as fortunate as us. Feed the poor and look after the widow and lonely. These are all works of faith. We see this in how hospitals and schools were established because faith resulted in works of charity. Let us today expect to see God move in our lives to bless others through our works. Even a smile can change a life.

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