Friday, May 27, 2022

The Same Power That Raised Jesus From The Dead Lives In You.

Resurrection Power

Wow, what power resides in us yet how little we experience this power! Why is this so? I believe this is so only because we have only a mental assent of this power. Most of us know a lot about the Bible but few of us have entered into the experience of it. We can only access this power if we are baptised in the Spirit. Jesus was with the disciples and yet they only had limited power. It is only after His ascension that the Holy Spirit came to indwell them at Pentecost. What a transformation took place then. Signs and miracles followed the preaching of the word. Dunamis power was released amongst them. The sick got healed and the captives got delivered. 

Power Available Today

This same power is available to us today. We must believe and receive this power from on high. We have testimonies of people like Smith Wigglesworth that walked in this power and raised people from the dead. How many of us desire to walk in this power? This will turn our world upside down. God is still the same God. He has not changed. We have compromised and made the gospel safe and trendy. We are like clouds without rain. There is no manifestation of the Spirit in us. We have been slowly induced into a state of apathy. This is the sorry state of the church today. How can we change but by believing and receiving  His Spirit in fullness.

Avail Of The Power

This is possible today and I want to enter into all that God has prepared for me. All of us have books written about us in heaven but few of us fulfil all that is written. We have to press in and obtain the promises God has promised. He said seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you. This means physical and mental health too. Is this not the answer to all the sickness and turmoil we face in the world today? The church has the answer and the world is waiting for the revelation of the sons of God. Now is the time to stand up and believe that there is no greater power than the resurrection power that resides in us.

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