Sunday, March 06, 2011


Many like to think they know it all but fail to see that what they know is only their perception. Come to the One who knows all and you will be saved from such an end. There is so much that is unknown that what is known is open to question. What if suddenly you find that the world you know is not so? Someone discovers that the world that we know is really a myth. We have created this world so that we can have some order. A flat world became a round world. What holds the water together? What keeps things stable although we are moving? What holds the stars from falling down? There is so much that is unknown yet God knows. He holds the stars and the moon and the sun. The God factor holds things together. Yet man thinks he knows it all. I am struck in awe and wonder when I think of all these things. I just marvel at his handiwork and say, Oh God. Then I awake and say my God. Now I know that anything is possible because He is God. Therefore I will live in hope and look to Him for everything. I will rest in Him who knows everything.


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