Saturday, March 26, 2011


Happy is the man who waits on the Lord. Walking by faith is a life style. You are so confident that God will come through for you every time. He will speak through you. You have no other agenda then for Him to use you anytime and anywhere. What a life style of grace when there is total dependence on God. No more worries because all your worries and burdens are carried by Him. You just are content to be His channel of grace. Your whole being will resonate with God. He will think and feel through you. No more defensiveness because all your weaknesses are consumed in Him. You only have to defend what is weak in you. In Him you are complete and therefore there is nothing more you can do then rest in full surrender. All your diseases are consumed in Him. Wealth or fame does not faze you because you are wealthy and famous in Him. Pride is killed off because His humility clothes you. You reject all evil, lusts and the pride of life. You follow your Master by submitting to Him whole heartedly. This is life in the overflow, abundant life.

1 comment:

Milo said...

oh my goodness. Praise Jesus for He is alive and living in me all the time and thak you Jeshua for these beautiful words. Many blessings.