Friday, March 11, 2011


Praise be to God who makes all things new. He grants you favour because in Him you can ask anything in His Name and it will be done for you. He lavishes His love over you and there is nothing that He will hold back from you. He is a God of abundance and in Him you will find abundant life. Go out today knowing that He lives in you. You are a temple of the living God. His Spirit lives and moves in you to manifest His glory. Every time you open your mouth know that He is in you and He will speak through you. It is not knowledge that you need but wisdom. Many have knowledge but lack the wisdom to apply it. Application is what brings about change. When knowledge is applied then change occurs. Many are too lazy or complacent to apply their knowledge. The church suffers deprivation for it has a lot of knowledge but lacks application. Knowledge is useless without application. Daniel knew and he applied his knowledge and survived. This is the difference between those who talk the walk and walk the talk. Walk your talk today and move mountains for God. His Spirit in you will help you to do so and bring life to dead bones.

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