Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Repentance is the key to salvation in all areas of life. Without repentance there is no movement forward. Many get stuck because they rationalise rather then repent. Repentance is good for your soul as it cleanses you and restores you to wholeness. It is not just saying sorry but really turning away from your sin and putting your flesh to death. Confession of sin leads to repentance. When sin is not confessed then it is hidden and works its damage. It causes fear to arise in you and fear causes damage. Repentance dispels fear for you are confronting it through confession. You bring to the light your sin and it is dissolved. Sin is spiritual and emotional and therefore affects your spirit and your emotions. Repentance frees you spiritually and emotionally. Pray for a spirit of repentance so that you are always walking in repentance. Your defences will drop and you will be open. transparent and free.

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