Wednesday, June 08, 2011


God is at work in His church. He moves by His Spirit. Yes, just as when Jesus walked on earth so also God moves through you. Jesus could not work His works where there was little faith. Miracles occurred where there was faith. So also when the church is ready, God will move into the midst and bring healing. It is a partnership between God and man. As man moves towards God then God moves toward man. Therefore prepare your heart daily so that God can move and work through you. Your responsibility is to prepare the way and God will move at the right time. Remain in faith daily and you will receive your miracle. The flesh will work against you till it dies a physical death. Your spirit will live on to eternity. Your soul will be saved. What you have done in the flesh for Jesus sake will bring you rewards. Therefore be zealous in your work and serve the Lord with all your heart.

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